In keeping with my propensity to be a putz, I've continued to add a few things to the Tag XL. In addition to the electric furnace covered elsewhere on this forum, I've added some LED's in the cabin and also in the galley. I take no credit for the LED's as I shamelessly ripped that idea off from someone else, but used a bit of new hardware in lieu of the standard automotive mood light LED strings. I got 110 V household LED kits from Menards that come with 120 inches of flexible, 4 color light strip. As all LED's work off of low voltage, I simply installed them and then wired it all up to the 12 volts battery circuit, eliminating the 110-12V converter. They work very well and really add to my overall comfort.
This grainy photo gives you an idea of the interior light strips. I split the strip into two pieces and ran one across the bottom of each side of the cabinet between the A/C enclosure. They are multicolor and also have a dimmer.
Here is the galley light strip installed. It's also concealed and has multicolor options. You can just see the (wireless) light controller stuck to the side of the shelf in the right of the photo.
Here's the combination Voltmeter/Ammeter I added. It's 1 1/16" so it's pretty small but easily readable. Nice to know what the battery is up to....literally....
Here is one of a pair of backup lights I added. They are low amperage floodlights with a wide but flat beam. I've wired them so I can either have them come on in reverse (default relay position) or turn them on via a toggle switch inside the battery/propane tank box. I really like these. No more backing into picnic tables at night....I mean, er....I heard about a guy who did that once. He swore on the next trailer he was going to have backup lights. I stole that idea from him. Yeah, that's it.
Next is a bit of trim woodwork to hide the hot-air plenum for the electric furnace and then figuring out how to hardwire a complete Playstation PS4 in there somewhere. I'll run it through my Verizon hotspot and have the controllers on a charging station somewhere up at the head of the bed where they are handy for close encounters with Cabal, Vex, Taken and other reprobate types. It will also run my netflix/Amazon Prime account.
Putz, putz, putz.....
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Aptos, California
2015 LG Silver Shadow
2012 Ford Edge Sport TV
I used the Menard's patriot lights in my T@B and I like them too. I will probably do the same thing and convert them to straight 12 volts as you've done. Nice work!
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
I also got around to replacing the ceiling vent cover. It took me two trailers worth of cursing the stocker before I got around to doing it. The stock vent lid was plastic, weak and subject to wind buffeting. It also sagged after exposure to warm sun while open which made it more difficult to get a good seal when closed. I found this one while digging about the pile-o-ventlids at my local RV shop. It's acrylic, thicker and much stronger and also nicely matches the style and color of the other windows.

"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.