Always be aware of your surroundings. Let family and friends know your location and itinerary.
Lock your trailer anytime you leave the site, even for a short while. I've had rangers tell me that thieves have stolen kayaks, coolers and other items that are not secured.
If paying after hours at a park where you deposit your payment in a payment box, use cash. One of the camp grounds I was at this summer there was an incident where 9 campers envelopes were stolen in the middle of the night. The ranger told me she knew one was mine was because I had my receipt on my dash. when asked how I paid I said cash, a total of $26 for one night. I put $23 bills and $3 in quarters. she said they found quarters on the ground and in the box. I had my amount on the receipt and was not liable for any more payment. She also said, thieves at another campground were recorded using something sticky to pull the envelopes out of the box. They come at night when everyone is sleeping. Never put your credit card numbers or write a check and put it in the box. Write on the envelope to see you for payment and keep the receipt.
Lock the wheels and the front hitch.
Especially for women:
Predators are just that, predators, They watch and zero in on their prey. They know if you are alone. If asked about me being alone I always say I'm meeting up with someone. If you feel uncomfortable, listen to that feeling and leave. (I have done that).
Don't give tours of the inside of your trailer, it is our personal space and valuable items are in it. Yes, I agree we love our trailers and love to talk about them, but there are personal boundaries and this is where you are living (and sleeping), your little home while camping.
Keep your car keys on you and use the alarm to get attention.
I have pepper spray and bear spray.
Be Kind, Be Well, Be Happy
2018 T@G XL, 2018 Toyota 4 Runner
Lebanon, OR
Very helpful! Thank you!
Carry two camp chairs and set them both up as it will make people think twice about who they are potentially encountering. Lock and secure your vehicle and never leave coolers and valuable camping gear out and within reach. Solar panels, generators, bikes, etc. should be locked down and secured to trailer frames when you are away from the area as these are items that can be quickly cherry picked, concealed and easily stolen.
Most campers are honest, but I know of several instances of theft, unsecured trailers have been stolen and in one campground in Wyoming, thieves cased the campground area, came in under the cover of darkness, got into unlocked vehicles, stole wallets, purses, cell phones, camera gear and other valuables.
Keep all possessions, food, valuables, etc. securely stored, keep credit card contact info and records in a spot where you can reference them in the event they are misplaced or stolen and if possible, hide extra keys in case your vehicle is accidentally locked and keys are inside. This has happened to us 2000 miles from home. Keep the trailer tongue locked and use a wheel boot and even when the trailer is parked on your property and place of residence, put the stabilizers down to help discourage theft. These trailers are eye candy to people who can’t afford them and they will go to extraordinary measures to steal them!
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
When parked disconnected at a site, I use a hitch lock and put down my stabilizers and hide away the crank. I have not gone as far as a chain through the wheels to the frame, but that is always an option.
One of the things that I do, when away from the trailer for a period, is to use a small MP3 player and small speaker. I wire both to a usb power pack and play continuous loop music or in my case pre-recorded sports audio. I play it loud enough to perceived from nearby outside of the trailer. It sounds as if someone is inside listening to sports. Just a deterrent, but using the power pack, I am not draining any power from my battery and I can run for 24-48+ hours without a problem.
I also use a cable to lock down my solar panels and my generator. Again the cable is just prevention, but it would stop a thief without some tools.
I have used the suggestion by Michigan_Mike to setup two camping chairs. It has the secondary benefit of a place to put my feet up.
Sounds like you have it down pretty good James. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If someone wants something bad enough they are going to get it. Locks, chains and cables keep honest people honest. Having the stabilizers down is one preventative that many people miss because it takes time and effort.
I think the only time I’ve really worried about someone stealing my trailer has been those times I’ve been camped in remote areas and when leaving for town, etc. I also had heard horror stories about Alaska and how people had generators and what not stolen and that if I left my trailer on the side of the road via a breakdown, etc. and left it unattended, that it would be gone. We actually did see a small silver sports car on cinder blocks traveling from Seward, Alaska back to our camp on the Kanei peninsula which was a little unnerving. But other than that, in all my years camping, things have been relatively calm and without incident.
But will have to say, these trailers are eye candy to others who are curious and find them appealing. I recommend you go the extra mile, lock them down, keep them out of sight, stow your expensive gear from eyesight and eliminate that age old urge that drives people to steal. There have been many incidents of trailer theft, so don’t kid yourself and whether you are weary from road travel and think you will do things the next day, garner the necessary energy, batton down the hatches, secure your valuables and make it as tough as you can on light handed and unsavory individuals prowling the area. 👍🏻
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
I've been solo camping/traveling/hiking myself since 2012. So far, no problems, even when boondocking or at a rest area. But I am supremely careful and watch out for all potential hazards and dangers. Some of my hikes have been of myself on trails where I met no one else. More than once, I've forced myself to turn back from more potential danger than I wanted to face by myself, falls, animals, etc. With that said, Camping, hiking and biking are, for me, the best ways to see all this wonderful country we have between the coasts. I love to travel off the main freeways to see all that offered, small towns, local food, local street art and the state parks and campgrounds out there.

Mississippi Slim
When my trailer is out of my garage and in front of my house, I even always have it tethered by a chain, and have the locking chocks on.
Picture of my "baby". I call her Carol, after my wife
Also picture of me above the HooDoos of Bryce Canyon. And yes, I did hike the 6.3 miles down, through and up.
I actually had someone ask me during the hike "Where are the water fountains?" LOL
So I actually ran into this situation as well. I have a tag boondock lite 6xl. Thought the locks were decent enough.
I got home from work and the door I never use was wide open. I'm assuming they used a screwdriver based on the hole left in the insulation inside the strike face of the bolt. Someone brute forced their way inside. Didn't steal anything, but as a single woman traveling I also only keep the things creeps would find appealing inside my trailer. Both the lock and dead bolt were engaged with the door wide open.
I've had issues with my neighbor being a little too friendly and invasive with my site. Filed a police report. No camera footage showed anything in my site. Happened mid day while I was at work.
Police did his rounds asking if anyone saw anything. Nothing. I walk around and ask all my neighbor's and mention going to home Depot and best buy for locks and cameras. My creepy neighbor was standing at his door with it slightly ajar for a good half hour. I post on the community site on Facebook about what happened to warn everyone else. My creepy neighbor decided to comment that he didn't know it was my camper that gotten broken into (the cop was talking to me outside for probably two hours), and started that he was home all day and could let me know what he was doing so I knew when it didn't happen.
Creep factor intensifies.
I go to Best buy for an hour, then head to home Depot. He showed up at home Depot and tried to talk to me laughing that he was buying the same thing because of what happened. Thinking back on it I was not in an aisle for locks, I was picking up weather stripping but he still pretended to be shopping and grabbed stuff off the racks.
Creep factor exponentially intensifies.
I get out of there check out and find that he had parked right next to me in the lot. Once again, what the heck.
I leave and start packing up my campsite. Almost done packing and I realize he's taped an alibi note to my trailer.
Creep factor is through the roof.
I leave and stop at the gas station near the highway, park to make sure he didn't try to follow me again. Call the cops again let them know what ensued. Sleep at work for a few days.
TLDR: creeps are real and they can seem friendly and helpful. God forbid you turn them down.
Anyways, I deep installed cameras. Four of them. V to inside facing each door then cut out a hole in the door so only the lens is visible to the outside in each door. I attached pictures. These cameras are called wyze, $25 a piece at home Depot, no charge for cloud storage if you want it but also have micro SD card slots for local storage. The app is amazing. Can set up triggers and rules for recording. Also have crystal clear night cameras. Highly recommend.
I too am a solo traveler & will do this before my next road trip to Alaska.
How did you power the four cameras?
2021 T@G XL Boondock
2021 Subaru Outback
MIddleton, WI / Santa Fe, NM
Hello dear Tag owners!. I bought a 2021 Tag XL Boondock last summer I'm a grandmother who has owned a motorhome, Popup, Casita trailer and a large and small tent. I've had the unique pleasure of traveling thru all 50 states. (Not all in a camper)
My preference is: No bathroom because I don't want to fool with hoses, etc. Also, no kitchen inside the camper. I prefer to cook outside and the clamshell kitchen is perfect.
I decided that I didn't like the constant ice mess in the Yeti cooler so I bought a small refrigerator from Amazon that runs off car battery while on the road. I'm going to try it out this summer. Any suggestions for this?
I have a generator that I also bought from Amazon which I have chained and covered with a towel in front of storage box. I use the generator for microwave.
I decided to try disperse camping and used a site called Freecamping. I camped from July thru September when I came back to Austin to my apartment. I store the camper in the single car garage here at the complex.
The solar panel seemed to be defective and I had to have it replaced where I bought the Tag in Salida, CO. NuCamp paid for my hotel room while it was replaced. I also learned that the heater runs off of a remote! Even Nucamp didn't tell me about that when I couldn't figure out why it didn't work. The dealer thought it was broken, but NO! It works off the remote that came with the TAG.
The solar is great and will work the lights and propane stove for about a week. I have an app that I use constantly to make sure the solar is working properly.
Safety; I'm careful not to be too remote and if I can park next to someone else or certainly nearby, I will. I also have an app that lets my family know where I am. I bought a clam six person shelter that I can put up myself in about five minutes. I also have a changing room with a portable potty. I also have stayed in RV parks and have used their facilities. I much prefer boon docking for the quiet and beauty of places I visited.
I'm happy to find this forum and hope to hear from you single folks!
I pull this Tag with a 2019 Toyota $Runner. I don't know how to add this to my post.
I utlize a free app called FreeRoam. You can easily filter by price ($0) to get free sites. Good reviews included with ratings regarding safety.
Now are you looking to hear from you "single folks" or "solo" traveler folks?
Welcome @clearly2u! To edit your post, tap the gear icon next to your post. Remember to tap “save” after editing.
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
Yes looking for any news on safety and other suggestions especially for solo campers
Howdy. Brand new here...
I learned the hard way years ago by having my old pop-up trailer stolen right out of my driveway while I was at work. Nowadays folks might think spending somewhere north of $300 on a hitch receiver lock is overkill, but that's precisely what I did for my new T@G... Proven Industries #2178-A receiver guard and a stainless steel puck lock from Paclock, loaded with pick-resistant spool and serrated pins and keyed the same as both my Paclock hitch insert lock and coupler lock, which are also set up with the same pick-resistant goodness...
(Full Disclosure: One of my hobbies is euphamistically called "lock-sport;" the art of picking locks and learning how to make them more undefeatable.)
Ain't nobody haulin' this trailer anywhere but me, unless they drag it onto another trailer....
Dave in Michigan
'21 T@G XL
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
Make sure to lock the safety chains in the lock housing.....some trailers get stolen by simply using the safety chains.
'21 T@G 5w Boondock, 2006 Toyota Land Cruiser
I can't lock the chains to the lock housing - but I bought two heavy duty Master locks (level 10 security, high ratings) and I lock the safety chains to the tray on the tongue, wrapping them a couple of times before I do so AND they're locked to each other. Sure, they could pick the lock or cut the chain (it would take some effort to cut these locks) - but they couldn't use the chains to pull the trailer if they cut them because they'd be too short.
All this stuff just keeps the honest guy honest- but the locks alone might be enough to deter a would be thief. I also have locking wheel chocks and locking lugs, as well as the hitch insert lock.
At that point - I've done all I can do. Insurance and God himself (LOL) will have to help me with the rest.
2022 T@g Boondock 5WTV: 2023 Subaru Outback Wilderness
We traveled for 10 months across the US, and stayed in Air B&B's and hotels on occasion. While at sites, boondocks or improved, we always: 1: locked up the trailer with a hitch lock and put the stabilizing jacks down and deployed the awning. The camper was always fully secured when we would leave. 2: All our bikes were secured to the trailer using a cable and lock. This added an inconvenience to a thief who wanted to steal the trailer that they would also have to cut the bikes loose. 3: The generator was secured to the rack using a large Krypto NY chain lock. More of a visual deterrent than anything, they could have easily sawed through the metal frame on the rack and released it. We had not one break in, not one item stolen, in 10 months. A big part of this is we avoided theft-prone areas like large cities and known crime areas. We boondocked in remote locations where it would have taken a large amount of effort for a thief to come in and leave with stolen property.

This was one of our sites along the Burr Trail in Utah.
Another site along Utah 12 outside Bryce in Red Canyon called Cabin Hollow.
And just outside the Tetons in Wyoming.
We never had any issues with other campers; even in the areas we boondocked. We were also well armed, so we had confidence that any threat that did arise, we would be able to deal with without too much difficulty.
Firearms are not a deterrent to burglary or theft when you're not on site. If their presence is announced or suspected, they provide a powerful i_ncentive_ to burglary. Do you believe that there's such a high chance of a life-threatening confrontation while camping that it's necessary to carry firearms? I don't recall hearing or reading about many cases.
I do worry about people stealing the trailer or gear and take appropriate precautions, as you described. But I've never been so fearful of personal attacks that I bring a weapon along on trips.
I am seriously concerned about staying in a campground and being shot by an armed and scared neighbor when I'm innocently on the way to the bathroom at 1:00 in the morning.
I agree @GolfCoast.
I have never had an issue while camping for over 50 years.
My daughter did speak of electric bike theft at an urban RV park on the outskirts of the park.
I take precautions to minimize the risk of theft.
In my state you cannot use force to protect your property. You can only use reasonable force if you believe that you or someone else is in imminent danger.
Enjoy camping and relax.
Out of my entire post that's your takeaway? Well, to each his own. But the myth of an errant bullet from a law-abiding gun owner discharging a firearm in defense of life finding its mark while you walk to relieve yourself made me chuckle.
You misunderstood my comment. I was not referring to "an errant bullet from a law-abiding gun owner discharging a firearm in defense of life." I don't recall having heard or read about any such cases with campers. It's certainly not a common occurrence. And it's most certainly not something that causes me any concern.
I was referring to a frightened person imagining a person innocently passing by as a threat and intentionally shooting them. That sort of situation is not a myth, as shown by several recent cases.
well, then those types of people should not own a gun. But thanks for inputting your two cents of anti-gun rhetoric in a post that really was not intended for that purpose.
That wasn't anti-gun rhetoric. It was a statement of my opinions and observations on the subject of this thread - "solo travelers and safety."
I own several firearms. But I don't camp with them, except when it's a hunting trip. You do camp with firearms, presumably because you perceive a threat great enough to suspect your might need to shoot someone. I don't.
I'm glad you agree that some people just aren't qualified to own guns. Unfortunately there are many who do and they pose a danger. Those are the ones who concern me in situations like campgrounds. It's not the violent criminal. It's the old fellow with bad eyesight and too much much to drink who feels threatened and makes a rash decision or the tough guy twenty-something with an overdose of testosterone.
That concern of mine doesn't keep me from camping, it just makes me more cautious. Same sort of caution as locking the receiver on the camper.
I had occasion, when camping solo at a "fish camp" to have the crap scared out of me. This place was really sketchy. Half of the park (small place) were full-timers with RVs that were not road-worthy and half of their belongs sat outside the campers under tarps. The camper next to me was in a tent with his dresser and La-Z-Boy under a lean-to next to it. To make matters worse, this was a public fish camp, so people were launching at all hours of the day with no gates or other restrictions.
Once the sun went down I tucked in and locked the doors. At some point within the next hour there was a bang on the side of the trailer. I froze in terror. Nothing came of it, but at the time I was beside myself. I was out in the middle of nowhere. I'm thinking this was probably a raccoon jumping on the tire hub, but I had been outside for awhile and didn't see any sign of raccons.. Regardless, it got me to wondering whether a weapon is a good idea when camping alone.
Then, I woke up the next morning to the sound of popping. Found out one of the neighbors shot a possum with a .22 because it was eating their tomatoes.
Never, ever again will I stay in a "fish camp."
Unless you're beating on someone's door like a madman, you're probably safe. Where I live a huge number of people are carrying (Alaska) and there are literally hundreds of campgrounds and places to boondock. You can also legally camp on any pullout on any road unless there's a sign saying you can't camp there. People aren't being randomly shot here (and we have Stand Your Ground/Castle Doctrine here in AK - my camper is considered an extension of my home/a place I am legally permitted to be and I have no duty to retreat).
But here it's not just the two legged varmint we worry about.
2022 T@g Boondock 5WTV: 2023 Subaru Outback Wilderness
Yep, you do have some ornery four-legged varmints to contend with there. I still remember the bear lecture I got from a smoke jumper friend on my first visit.
I think Alaska is somewhat self-filtering for rational firearms owners. My concern is the folks who bought firearms because of some irrational fear, have little experience with them, and don't understand the power or the danger. I had a couple of shotguns and a rifle before I had acne. And I've shot and butchered enough deer to know what a high-speed bullet does. Many gun owners base their understanding on tv westerns, tall tales, and imagination and they see threats where there are none.
For example, I knew a couple who each kept a loaded semi-automatic pistol by their easy chairs in the tv room and on their bedside tables in their crime-free suburban neighborhood. He came home late one evening and she woke up startled and shot him as he was taking his shoes off in the bedroom. Dead. I've seen campers move their hand toward the holstered pistol on their hip when they see a person passing by. And I read about people saying they're prepared to deal with potential thefts with a .357 or 9mm.
I do see a scared, nervous gun owner in a campground as a threat, but not nearly so likely to cause harm as drunk and distracted drivers. The odds are very different. 40,000 people will die on our highways this year. I've heard of essentially no violent threats in campgrounds. But, I now make it a point to have a headlamp or flashlight shining whenever I'm out after dark near other campers. And I leave my firearms locked up at home.
In places with no cell service and no way to get help, you do have to think of how to protect yourself, same as you think about what to do when confronting a bear, a thunderstorm, or bad injury.
I'd been a long-distance female hiker and backpacker when my knee was healthy enough. Often I hike solo, and many of my friends do as well. We hike at different speeds and meet up somewhere to pitch our tents, but sometimes we camp alone. Stories of creepy/dangerous and even deadly interactions on the trail are not uncommon to those who put in many miles. Some of my very good friends have started to carry; I'd never guessed these gentle souls would be packing heat, Never!. But they're well-trained and ready. Once you hear their stories, you'd understand.
I don't carry but I've thought about it. I'd need a lot more practice before I did. In the meantime, (which is really the point of this post) I'm going to take a tip from a guy I know who has an NRA sticker on his storm door in lieu of an ADT subscription. Seems like that'd be a pretty good deterrent and I'm going to get one or two for my camper.
2022 T@G Boondock XL
TV- 2017 Kia Sorento SXL.
Even though I have NEVER seen an RV catch fire, I’m not ditching my fire extinguisher or my smoke detector. Even though I’ve never been in a wreck pulling my t@g or seen another t@g owner wreck, I wear my seatbelt. I’ve NEVER seen another camper murdered, but I’m not so naive and gullible as to think it can’t happen to me. Therefore, I dare to say the “G word”. That’s right, gun.
i’m retired, but I spent my entire career dealing with some the most violent, hardcore predators in America. Trust me, when I tell you career felons can smell weakness a mile away. Don’t expect any mercy to be shown, if you have the misfortune of being selected for victimization. Violent criminals are like rabid dogs. They have no conscience. You exists for their moment of pleasure.
They are sadistic and take immense pleasure in watching others suffer. The infliction of pain, humiliation, suffering and degradation are their trademarks. The rules don’t apply to them. They want to hear their prey beg and scream, so they can laugh at their victims. All of this comes before they do things that “will make my victims mamas cry”, as one once, laughingly, told me.
Get a quality handgun, that fits your hand, if you don’t already have one. Find a good instructor and get quality training. Find another good instructor and get more quality training. Continue the training process. Practice, practice, practice.
Get a good holster and a good belt. Familiarize yourself with the laws pertaining to the use of force, where you plan to travel. Same goes for where you can and can not carry. Laws change when you cross state lines.
Get a concealed handgun license, Most states issue them. Take RESPONSIBILITY for your self protection. Hope, hope, hope and pray that no one ever chooses to place you in a position where you are left with no other option, but to use force, to stop their chosen act of violence.
Be your own first responder. Don’t kid yourself in to believing the police are everywhere and can respond to your emergency in a short amount of time. If you are like me, you often camp in areas, where there is no cell phone coverage.
Think of security in layers. Have plan A, B, C D, E, F and G. Get motion activated lights and cameras. Put an extra chair or two at your campsite. Set up an empty tent. Go to a thrift store and buy a well worn pair of men’s size 13 work boots to leave outside your door. Come to think of it, get two or three pair of boots. Pick up a couple of 16oz beer cans and an opened pack of Camel cigarettes, without filters and leave them out. Bring a dog with you. Even a small dog can sound the alarm.
Play the what if game. Have a plan. Think of various scenarios and decided beforehand, what an appropriate response could be.
Use your head. Be very observant of your surroundings. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Always have a flashlight on your body. I could go on and on and on. The bottom line is YOU and YOU alone are responsible for your safety. Anyway, that’s enough of my long winded safety rant.
Be safe and happy camping! Take lots of pics!
In addition to two chairs, I've also put out two glasses/cups, both "used" and sometimes a magazine folded so it looks like someone (in the other chair) just set it down. Also a random jacket or shirt hanging up outside