Hello! First time Tag owner from PA!

evpeelingevpeeling Member Posts: 69

Well after lurking on this forum for a long time I finally bought my 2020 Tag and feel I can introduce myself! I purchased a 2020 Boondock 5-wide a week ago that I tow with a 2011 Subaru Forester, and it just went on its maiden voyage to Audra State Park in WV. Aside from the brakes squealing rather loudly on the drive home (still have to get that straighten out) it did great and there were no other major issues. I am well experienced at tent and primitive camping, but this is my first camper. I am so happy with my purchase and its just the perfect size! Strange as it may sound I plan to use it the most in the winter to travel to various ski resorts and dry camp in their parking lots. There will likely be a propex heater mod in the near future. I'm looking forward to making the camper my own and having many fun adventures!

Also pictured below is my pup Rey. She travels with me pretty much everywhere I go :)

2020 Tag BD 5W, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, PA


  • beakybeaky Member Posts: 283

    dial your break control down if the brakes are making noise

  • evpeelingevpeeling Member Posts: 69

    @beaky said:
    dial your break control down if the brakes are making noise

    I turned it down a bit from where the dealer set it and turned off the boost setting. I'll try turning it down a bit more and see if that helps. Thanks!

    2020 Tag BD 5W, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, PA

  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 666

    Welcome to your new life.

  • Old_DaveOld_Dave Member Posts: 2

    I’ve been lurking for a few days, but have finalized purchase with a dealer in central NY today.

    It’s good to see other new owners. I almost bought in PA, but I was lucky to grab a T@G XL SE, to make some customizations in.

    I was fortunate that the dealer forgot that this unit had a rack and a front window. I think I got a good deal.

    im very excited to join the group as well. My wife still works, so most trips will be myself accompanied by my hound dog Remy. My TV is a 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

  • SueBHunnySueBHunny Member Posts: 135

    Welcome! I'm a fellow PA T@Gger and tow with a Subaru Outback. My husband and I also graduated from tent life to teardrop three years ago and we love it. You're going to like it here!

    State College, PA
    2015 T@G Max
    2012 Subaru Outback

  • WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311

    Greetings evpeeling!

    More brake info please. Are they making noise only when applied or all the time? It's common for drum brakes to squeal a bit when applied and usually signifies some chum (brake dust or dry dirt/dust) in the drums. If they make noise all the time, that's bad. If it's loud, that may indicate that a lining has come loose from the shoe. If it's just a little bit, it's probably fine. In any case, I'd either check them or have someone else do it.



    "When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

    2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
    2017 T@G XL
    Boyceville, Wi.

  • evpeelingevpeeling Member Posts: 69

    @WilliamA said:
    Greetings evpeeling!
    More brake info please. Are they making noise only when applied or all the time? It's common for drum brakes to squeal a bit when applied and usually signifies some chum (brake dust or dry dirt/dust) in the drums. If they make noise all the time, that's bad. If it's loud, that may indicate that a lining has come loose from the shoe. If it's just a little bit, it's probably fine. In any case, I'd either check them or have someone else do it.

    The brakes squeal only when applied, and they did not squeal initially. The drive home from the dealership and the drive from PA to WV they were perfectly quiet. When they do squeal it is very loud and obnoxious. I have to take it to the dealer for some minor warranty repairs so hopefully they can sort it out then.

    2020 Tag BD 5W, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, PA

  • OutdoorEdOutdoorEd Member Posts: 110

    Welcome aboard. T@G life is a great life. As you no doubt already know, most of your T@G questions can be answered here. I haven't been to Audra in several years; it's a beautiful park. How's the camping there? Would you know if there's good singletrack mountain biking in the park or nearby?

    Ed & Karen
    2017 T@G Max XL
    2018 Subaru Outback 3.6R

  • evpeelingevpeeling Member Posts: 69

    That was my first camper camping trip so I can't compare it to anything else, but I thought it was very nice! There were no issues with the campground electricity and there were multiple water fill stations so no long trips to refill the water. The scenery was beautiful and we had a site right along the river for swimming. I don't think there is any mountain biking in the park. There was only one established hiking trail that I could find and it wouldn't have been great for mountain biking. Plenty of options if you like kayaking/tubing though!

    2020 Tag BD 5W, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, PA

  • HerdHerd Member Posts: 35

    Welcome evpeeling. We have a 2020 Tag and live in southern Wv. good to know their are others in the area. Staying at Audra in a couple weeks.

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