I haven't checked in here for a while, not traveling for a while due to the virus. Last trip was in November when I took my "Little Guy" to Death Valley, California. Yes, I picked that time of year for a reason. The HEAT!! Yes, it's a dry heat, but it's still heat, nevertheless.
Any of my friends from the net still here. I've also been spending a lot of time (as allowed with social distancing) with my new little first granddaughter, born last August!
Congratulations on the time you get to spend with your grand daughter.
I got my first grand sons early in the year.
What a time to enter the world.
Welcome back
Looks like you're from San Diego. Me, too. I live in Spring valley. In the process of planning a trip up to Yellowstone and back through the Tetons. At 74 years old I have to keep on doing this as long as I can. Last trip was last November to DeathValley. This damned virus sure put a crimp in my plans for this year................Mississippi Slim

I am 80. Wifey doing more of the driving lately. I'm getting more stupid. Thank God we have this new reliable T@G and can get away to places with little or no contact.
Just back from Oregan Coast and the Cascades near Mt Rainier.
Set of 3 grandkids in late 20s and early 30. Then there is their 6 Great grand kids.
Met on Oregon coast with sons 4 age eight and below.
Hang in there all of ya.....
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature