Showers are just outside of the park (Zion Outfitters), just a short walk from Loop A. 1 Token = 5 Minutes. Open 7:00-11:00PM (Tokens at Zion Outfitters (7:00-8:00PM) Sorry, did not ask the cost of a… (View Post)
As a addition to Renogy solar suitcase, I utilize on occasion a propane powered generator (Baja BAi911LP - Home Depot $239) It runs on 1lb or 20lb propane. Runs AC and projector for movies. Also good… (View Post)
Bill, Sounds like your setup test was a success. Good job! I use a 100 Watt Renogy Solar Suitcase with the Voyager controller. ($264 direct from Renogy) Also found it a success at keeping the system … (View Post)
Recently went to Lone Rock and Zion. Had a good time, not too cold. Mid 70s during the day and mid 50s at night. Had fun kayaking and hiking. Took lots of photos. - * No problems with getting stuck i… (View Post)
Presently my charger has alligator clips. Keep it that way for flexibility. To charge trailer battery I have rigged an adapter which goes from alligator clips to alligator clips to SAE which I plug i… (View Post)