vent covers for me are a necessity that allows you freedom... I like the Aeroflo vent cover look for its aerodynamic and custom appearance. As noted, when you have a downpour you'll need a cover or n… (View Post)
nüCamp builds their trailers in compliance to the national standards and I know that this discussion and concern have come up in the past so it's a good question. I certainly would never deny that tr… (View Post)
The VIN label can be found at two different places on the driver's side of the trailer. The first location is on the black steel frame member of the tongue below the side of the tub. The second stick… (View Post)
Something I did was to make a snow removal tool similar to this one. These are slick and the snow slides right off the roof with minimal effort. It wouldn't work for your setup there but is great for… (View Post)
Interesting stuff! Dutch oven cooking can be done with a tripod and many people do it on charcoal briquettes or even with the embers of a fire. There is a trick to it in regulating the heat with the … (View Post)