Lost power to 110v power items.

StellaMarisStellaMaris Member Posts: 26
edited August 2020 in Battery/Electrical & Solar

My boyfriend and I were camping this week and hooked up to shore power. During the evening, the breakers in the converter boxes tripped. We checked them, tried to reset and they worked fine. The following day, the same thing happened again. Resetting did not work, so I checked the fuses and found that the 20 amp (yellow) had blown. We replaced it, and thought everything was fine. However, later in the day, we realized that the light on the microwave was not on, and the plug in the galley was not working. Also the A/C was out - essentially, everything that requires shore power hookup to run was not functioning. Also, the battery was not charging when hooked to shore power. We "boondocked" the final night. We've checked the GFCI (I think that is the right term - I'm definitely no expert!) plug on the AC and the GCFI tester on the galley plug. No luck. The battery DOES recharge when hooked to the tow vehicle, but I get NOTHING when I try the shore power hookup. Please tell me it's possible that something is wrong with the shore power cord - I'm trying to eliminate the simple things first before I haul my T@G 2 and a half hours to the nearest dealer! Thanks for any suggestions!!!!

"StellaM@ris", 2017 T@G Max XL
2020 Ford Escape SEL Ecoboost and 2003 Explorer XLT
Tyke, Buckshot, and Bonnie (the 4-legged children)


  • StellaMarisStellaMaris Member Posts: 26

    Wow...this must have stumped EVERYONE? No suggestions at all?

    "StellaM@ris", 2017 T@G Max XL
    2020 Ford Escape SEL Ecoboost and 2003 Explorer XLT
    Tyke, Buckshot, and Bonnie (the 4-legged children)

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 662

    It’s only been 2 hours. Wait until Friday.

    We’re you using a surge protector! What were you running when the breakers tripped?
    It is possible that it is just the power cord. Have you tried to run things on DC?

    If the DC appliances work on battery, then it may be a converter problem.

    Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator

  • StellaMarisStellaMaris Member Posts: 26

    LOL - thanks Sharon - guess I am just anxious! ! I wasn't using a surge protector at the time, and was only using the air conditioner (that's when the 20 amp fuse needed replacing), and the second time, none of the major appliances (like A/C or microwave) Those won't run without being hooked to shore power (AC power) However, the tv, and everything else that will run off the battery (dc) still work. Our closest nuCamp dealer is now 3 hours away, but there are other camper dealers nearby who might be able to help with the converter. Still hoping against hope that it's the power cord! Thanks for your response!

    "StellaM@ris", 2017 T@G Max XL
    2020 Ford Escape SEL Ecoboost and 2003 Explorer XLT
    Tyke, Buckshot, and Bonnie (the 4-legged children)

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 662

    I have to recommend a surge protector. Many campgrounds don’t always have upgraded systems. Also, you can damage appliances in low voltage conditions that are likely to occur when many folks are drawing a lot of current - think hot, humid and lots of AC running.

    Keep us posted.

    Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator

  • mgreen2mgreen2 Member Posts: 193

    Check it when you get home. Probably a problem with the power at the campground

    2017 T@G Max

  • StellaMarisStellaMaris Member Posts: 26

    Nope, I'm already home and have tried pretty much everything. I WISH it had been that easy! ;) Actually had it up and running for a few minutes today, but it went back down. I'm going to try the new shore power cable, and if that does not work, it's off to an RV/camper service center. The nearest T@G dealer is 3 1/2 hours away, but there are several good camper centers in nearby Charleston.

    "StellaM@ris", 2017 T@G Max XL
    2020 Ford Escape SEL Ecoboost and 2003 Explorer XLT
    Tyke, Buckshot, and Bonnie (the 4-legged children)

  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 663

    I have a 2018 T@G and it has a WFCO Model WF-8725 converter.
    When I had some issues, I gave them a call (877.294.8997). Got transferred to a technical person and got my questions answered.
    I found them very easy to deal with and their feedback gave me a great deal of confidence in how they responded. A very good resource.
    Give them a call and a rundown of the situation. https://wfcoelectronics.com/contact/

    Use logic in your trouble shooting.
    1. evening, the breakers in the converter boxes tripped (What Breakers? 1. Converter, 2. 120 Volt Receptacles, 3. Air Conditioner) (what was on at the time?) Breakers are on the AC side.
    2. reset and they worked fine
    3. following day, the same thing happened again (What is "same thing"? Breakers again?
    4. Resetting did not work
    5. checked the fuses and found that the 20 amp (yellow) had blown (How did you check the yellow fuse?) (DC Circuit #4 yellow=20 Amp) Note: fuse is on the DC side.
    6. replaced it, and thought everything was fine. However, later in the day, we realized that the light on the microwave was not on, and the plug in the galley was not working. Also the A/C was out (Note these are both 120 volt issues)
    7. Also, the battery was not charging when hooked to shore power. (The charging originates on the AC side, then to the 12 volt DC battery)
    8. checked the plug on the AC and the GCFI tester on the galley (AC GFCI would only affect the Air Conditioning unit)
    9. battery DOES recharge when hooked to the tow vehicle, but I get NOTHING when I try the shore power hookup. (This indicates the battery seems to function OK. I assume your battery is not original and it has been replaced. It is past its time if original. This is besides the point and not part of the troubleshooting.
    10. it's possible that something is wrong with the shore power cord. (Yes that could be an issue. Try another cord if possible. Try another power source if possible. (Note: I do not have a microwave and I never use when camping the 30 amp supply cord that came with the tag and instead use a normal extension cord and adapter - see photo)
    11. was only using the air conditioner (that's when the 20 amp fuse needed replacing) (Note the fuse is on the DC side and not 120 volt AC.)
    12. Actually had it up and running for a few minutes today, but it went back down. (had what up and running?)
    It sounds as if your problem is on the 120 volt AC side, and not the 12 volt DC.
    That would likely narrow it down to the converter and/or wiring.
    I would start with the easy using another 120 volt power source and different supply wire.
    Next check the converter.
    If under load an audible fan should kick on within the converter.

    • WFCO: "The system incorporates GFCI breakers that implement an auto self-test functionality. When
      turned off, these breakers require external AC power to be present, or the AC inverter enabled,
      before they can be turned back on. If AC power is present from one of these two sources, and the
      breaker refuses to stay on consult an electrician or certified RV technician."

    Note: Make sure all of your 120 Volt major appliances (Air Conditioner, Microwave) are turned off when you hook up to shore power.
    Work through things in a logical manner. One at a time. You want to narrow the point of failure down.

    There is a possibility that the blown fuse and the rest of your problem are unrelated.
    Good Luck


  • StellaMarisStellaMaris Member Posts: 26

    Thank you for spending so much time analyzing my problem! I've actually done most of the things you have suggested, but I am certainly no electrician and would feel much more comfortable having one actually look at the problem himself/ herself. I have also talked with an reputable RV dealer about 30 miles from me who has come highly recommended by several friends with campers. It is not a T@G dealer, but my issue is not covered by warranty anyway, and if it is a converter box or wiring issue, they can pinpoint and fix it. I have an appointment with them in a couple of weeks. I already have the converter plug, btw - have used it for years while on "shore power" at home. It was not being used when the problems began at the campsite. Again, thanks for your time! I probably will give the converter box manufacturer a call just to see if I can get more information to give the dealer.

    "StellaM@ris", 2017 T@G Max XL
    2020 Ford Escape SEL Ecoboost and 2003 Explorer XLT
    Tyke, Buckshot, and Bonnie (the 4-legged children)

  • StellaMarisStellaMaris Member Posts: 26
    edited August 2020

    Update on my electrical issue. After finding out that the people who bought Holiday on Wheels no longer sell nuCamp products, and don't even want to TALK to you unless you bought from THEM (not the former owners), I made an appt. with an RV dealership about 30 miles away from me. They couldn't see me until Sept. 7. As luck would have it, a good friend from FL who restores boats, RVs, and small planes (and has an electrical engineering degree) was in town and offered to take a look. Had it fixed in less than an hour. One of the connections behind the breakers in the converter box had loosened (probably due to three years of traveling) an created a tiny arc. The arc created enough heat to cause the plastic behind it to melt ever so slightly and change shape. This made the connection even looser, which made the arc bigger...and you get the picture. He cleaned off the connection, made a tiny metal shim to prevent any future loosening, and power was restored. I have been running the A/C and other power appliances for three days now with no overheating or other issues. My friend is now looking for a more heavy-duty converter box (i.e. one made with less plastic) to replace the old one. Canceling the service appointment with the RV dealer, but most definitely not burning that bridge. I think the nearest nuCamp dealership is about 175 miles away from me! We need a dealership near Charleston, SC!!!

    "StellaM@ris", 2017 T@G Max XL
    2020 Ford Escape SEL Ecoboost and 2003 Explorer XLT
    Tyke, Buckshot, and Bonnie (the 4-legged children)

  • WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311

    Troubleshooting electrical problems on the forum is like trying on shoes over the phone. You can spend a lot of time at it and end up barefoot.

    Glad you found the problem.


    "When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

    2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
    2017 T@G XL
    Boyceville, Wi.

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