Trouble with Coil Shower connection

csonnicsonni Member Posts: 354
edited July 2021 in Trailers & Towing

Just checking everything out to make sure all is working well before our Cross-Country trek and, when first trying to attach the coiled shower hose, we couldn't push it in at all. Called the dealer and they suspect it's frozen. They suggested giving it a good tap. Did that and put a ding in the center (as seen in the picture). I said that's enough as a leak there would disable our entire use of our water altogether. I even sprayed some lubricant in there with no success. Anyone else run into this? New 2020 but sat on the lot for a year plus. The warranty replacement will not get to us in time as we're leaving in just over a week. Is this a standard part that RV shops carry?


  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 665
    edited July 2021

    Quick connect fittings are somewhat standard and interchangeable. They can be had at places like Home Depot, or other like stores. Auto parts stores may also carry. The fittings are also like those used and rated for pneumatic use for compressed air or gas. Just a matter of finding one that connects up. By the way the photo you posted looks fine to me. I assume you are pushing in the locking ring (releasing tension on the two spring loaded connecting points) on the female coupling as you insert the hose.

  • stevemilligan42stevemilligan42 Member Posts: 27

    Just a guess, did you have the water pump on? If so, good luck getting that to connect.

    Kill the pump, turn on sink to relieve the pressure, and try again.

    If the pump wasn't on then.... Hmmmm

  • LuckyJLuckyJ Member Posts: 1,240

    The comments by @JamesDow and @stevemilligan42 are right on. You also have a valve inside under tge sink to close that water line and keep everything else runing.

  • csonnicsonni Member Posts: 354

    I know about the locking mechanism for the collar. I did shut off the pump and turn on the sink with no success. Our T@G did sit in the lot for a year so we're thinking the valve is stuck to the rubber O-Ring?

  • LuckyJLuckyJ Member Posts: 1,240

    @csonni said:
    I know about the locking mechanism for the collar. I did shut off the pump and turn on the sink with no success. Our T@G did sit in the lot for a year so we're thinking the valve is stuck to the rubber O-Ring?

    Hum, wicth way are you heading on your trip? I might be 9n your way.

  • csonnicsonni Member Posts: 354

    @LuckyJ said:
    Hum, wicth way are you heading on your trip? I might be 9n your way.

    Baie Comeau way.

  • betsybackalbetsybackal Member Posts: 2


    Just came home today with our new 2021 TAG and are having the same problem… it can’t be frozen since we picked it up in Mesa, AZ 🥵! Hubby and I are new to this kind of thing and unsure of how to proceed…. Dealer or manufacturer?

    Overall, super excited about our adventures ahead!!!

  • betsybackalbetsybackal Member Posts: 2

    Oh wow! Never mind… I just gave it a hard tap and it works now:)

  • csonnicsonni Member Posts: 354

    @betsybackal said:
    Oh wow! Never mind… I just gave it a hard tap and it works now:)

    What did you tap it with? I really don't want to puncture it or we won't be able to use any water.

  • LuckyJLuckyJ Member Posts: 1,240

    @csonni said:

    @betsybackal said:
    Oh wow! Never mind… I just gave it a hard tap and it works now:)

    What did you tap it with? I really don't want to puncture it or we won't be able to use any water.

    You should ahave a shut off valve for the hose unit under the sink, so you can still use water under pressure. It is connected to the hose that plug at tge end of a large plastic tube, like 4" in diameter.

  • LuckyJLuckyJ Member Posts: 1,240

    @csonni said:

    @LuckyJ said:
    Hum, wicth way are you heading on your trip? I might be 9n your way.

    Baie Comeau way.

    Well, I shouod be on the north shore of tge St-Laurence river for the next 4-6 weeks starting this wednesday, but for a few days, traveling beween Lea Escoumins and Petite riviere St-Francois (near baie-st-Paul). Also just got words that I might be station at the Coast Guard Search and Rescue base in Tadousac for 3 weeks starting july 29. So should be on your path to take a look if you have not solved the isue. If you continu heading west, the Montreal area have a Nucamp dealer that you could contact in advance. Ours was purchase near Quebec city, but due to marketing pressure, thay lost the Nucamp portion of tge deal when Little guy and pleasant valley (nucamp) went theire seperate ways.

  • csonnicsonni Member Posts: 354

    nuCamp ended up sending me the entire assembly rather than just the QuickConnect fitting. I suppose I'll have to seal all those screws when installing the new unit. Anyone know exactly how to disconnected it from source? Is it easy accessible from under the sink?

  • LuckyJLuckyJ Member Posts: 1,240

    @csonni said:
    nuCamp ended up sending me the entire assembly rather than just the QuickConnect fitting. I suppose I'll have to seal all those screws when installing the new unit. Anyone know exactly how to disconnected it from source? Is it easy accessible from under the sink?

    Yes, it is in the back on the under si k storage, but should be accessible. I have the feeling that they used one of thoses clamp that are a pain. Look if you have enough lengt to cut tge pipe and still enough to reconect and use simple plumbing collar.

  • csonnicsonni Member Posts: 354

    Had a closer look today and it looks like the connection simply unscrews from the back of the unit.

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