Simple heater mod

I wanted a way to mount a small electric heater out of the way but not up by the ceiling and also not necessarily permanently as I don't expect to use it that often. But after one night of below freezing temperatures (just hooked up in the yard, couldn't wait to try our new baby out!), I realized that just sleeping bags wasn't going to make it. So, after reading what other folks have tried and much pondering, I came up with this.
Basically, I took a scrap piece of 1x6, cut it down to 18 inches long, and drilled and glued two three inch pieces of quarter inch dowel in one end and then drilled corresponding holes in the back of the cabinet to the left of the TV. I routed out a quarter inch slot in the bottom of the board to catch the edge of the cabinet trim so the 1x6 would sit level and also lock in when inserted into the cabinet. The heater can oscillate and is fastened to the 1x6 with Velcro. This set up keeps feet and blankets away from the heater and we can store it away when not using it and leave it home when it's not needed.


  • BBsGarageBBsGarage Member Posts: 396

    I like this solution, very simple.


    2017 T@G Max XL, New Jersey.
    You can drive along 10,000 miles, and still stay where you are.

  • LuckyJLuckyJ Member Posts: 1,240

    Nice and simple.

    In y case, I placeed it sideways in the shelf. And leave it when not in used. Watched it for a while for hot spot around the block, everything remained cool.

    But still have to find a solution if we want to go with a small propane heater, and your idea could be our solution.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • nmmikenmmike Member Posts: 20

    I have not heard anyone say that a propane heater is 100 percent safe, even the ones with oxygen sensors / auto shutoffs ,, and electric heaters use way too much electricity when boon docking without a generator,, so I have used heat packs , good sleeping bag and blankets along with plenty of clothes and that works OK,,, but i am still thinking about the small LIttle Buddy propane heater and using it for heating up the trailer until I go to sleep and then shutting it down,,,

    New Mexico Mike

  • VernaVerna Member Posts: 139

    @nmmike, since I like to wake up every morning, that is the only way I would use this particular propane heater.

    I used a small space heater on a slide-out shelf in my 4-wide, and a small space heater in my Silver Shadow.

    If I was boondocking in the SS, I had a 0* sleeping bag and down alternative bedspreads. I kept my shoes and the next days clothes inside the sleeping bag so it was easier to get up and put warm clothes on.

  • nmmikenmmike Member Posts: 20

    Verna- thanks for ur input,, I purchased a 20 degree Norhface bag a few years ago after getting very cold, tent camping with a cheap sleeping bag and it works pretty well, , but a 0 degree bag will be considered if I ever by another one. Heat packs also have worked pretty well.

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