Hello All

Just got a 2015 Little Guy 5 Wide . Really like it
Has anybody used a Mr Heater "Little Buddy" 3800 BTU heater in this trailer.
My concern is that directly above the heater it is very hot . The ceiling inside the trailer is about 44" from the floor .
My question is could the heater be too hot for the camper

Thanks for your replies


  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 664
    edited September 2022

    I have used a Mr. Heater MH9BX Buddy Heater (4,000-9,000 BTU). Only used it on low in the mornings for around 20 minutes to take the chill out of the trailer. Always with the windows and vent cracked. I opted not to get the "little Buddy" because of the potential issues with tipping.
    I do not think you will have a problem with your little Buddy, even though the heating element it is slanted up, but I would keep it on low (only one setting) and make sure windows are cracked open slightly and on a reliable surface.
    Bottomline, yes the heater could get too hot for the camper, but using common sense in its operation should compensate for any overheating issues.

  • MikeRogMikeRog Member Posts: 3

    Sent PM about adjustability of Little Buddy

  • drsukiedrsukie Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2022

    You will not need much hear, for long, to get things where you want them. That is a LOT of heat for such a relatively tiny space. I bought this for my 2020 TAG XL 6-footer and it is awesome. Granted, I also have two heat-generating dogs. But if you are hooked up to electric, it is a great option!

  • evpeelingevpeeling Member Posts: 69

    I use the Mr Buddy heater when Im winter camping without power. I do not run it over night though because I have a dog and and always worried about tipping over. If I have power I use an electric space heater. Word of warning on the Mr Buddy - I used to sit it on a shelf attached to the head board under then star gazer window. Well I quickly found that it burned a hole in my window screen, because the heat goes straight up and out slightly with the bigger model.

    2020 Tag BD 5W, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, PA

  • rich67rich67 Member Posts: 166

    The Mr. Buddy gets too hot to safely use inside the Tag, IMO. The amount of heat coming off the top of the unit will melt or burn anything too close to it- and in a small space like the Tag leaves little room for error. Stick with a small ceramic electric heater for being hooked up, and a well made sleeping bag (not a Wal Mart variety) for boondocking.

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