Two questions... Does anyone feel a need to ventilate the storage area to prevent mold issues? I was thinking about drilling some "vent" holes in the lid.... Second, has anyone had any issues with water getting into this storage area either by crossing creeks/shallow rivers etc.? I think a bead of caulking around the base of all the wood dividers would be a good idea... Thanks for your opinions...
No water/moisture issues in 4+ years. I have indoor/outdoor carpet over my wood. No need for holes in my mind.
We've yet to go through a humid summer with our T&G, but my concern with mold and mildew is during storage rather than during active use. Rather than drilling holes in the panels, I'm planning to simply prop them open a bit.
If there's a concern about water intrusion, it would be better to solve it at the exterior openings rather than the inside edges of the dividers.
Thanks for your comments. My concern about water entry into the storage area was based on driving thru high water such as a creek or puddle... I thought that by caulking the wood to the floor areas it would possible prevent any water that found a way into the trailer be kept in just one compartment, not seep thru under the wood into an adjoining storage area... I do not know how "water tight" NuCamp made these trailers... I would suspect that at least the Boondock model would be built to hand some water crossings...