Froli Poll: Fasten It Down or Let It Float?

The_RiggerThe_Rigger Member Posts: 171
edited December 2023 in Modifications & Upgrades

Those of you who've upgraded to the Froli System under your mattresses; did you attach your system to the floor (screws, nails, &c.) or did you just set the thing in place and leave it be, relying on the weight of the mattress to keep it there? I'm of two minds on how to install it.

Pros? Cons? Discuss.

Dave in Michigan
'21 T@G XL
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)

Froli Poll: Fasten It Down or Let It Float? 4 votes

Screw it down!
danpkonjurer 2 votes
Leave it loose!
jonesjb3GulfCoast 2 votes


  • jonesjb3jonesjb3 Member Posts: 1
    Leave it loose!
    My are loose... no issues
  • arubinoarubino Member Posts: 13
    I screwed a couple of the pieces by the outer storage door so I could open the storage without having the system move, otherwise I could not find a reason to fasten.  With the mattress on top and typical weight, it didn't move for me.
  • konjurerkonjurer Member Posts: 9
    Screw it down!
    I screwed them in. The way I thrash around, I highly doubt the Xs would stay in place. 
  • The_RiggerThe_Rigger Member Posts: 171
    edited May 2024
    Okay, for the moment I'm leaving my system floating; it doesn't seem to want to move very easily, especially on top of the carpeting I put in the T@G this afternoon.
    (The carpeting, on the other hand, is sliding all over the bloody place... I couldn't find the rubber backed stuff that @JamesDow spoke of. Looks like I gotta score some double-stick carpet tape.)

    Dave in Michigan
    '21 T@G XL
    "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)

  • SpeckmanSpeckman Member Posts: 19
    We let our float.  We’ve had ours 4+ years.
  • The_RiggerThe_Rigger Member Posts: 171
    edited March 21
    Epilogue:  I stuck my carpeting down with some double-stick, and for a while the Froli stayed put. But by the end of the season last year it was sliding all over the camper, so I screwed it down with a few 3/4" wood screws.
    For the record, I camp alone so I only need half the camper Froli'ed (can "Froli" be a verb?).
    I have separate sections for the storage compartment lid and the fixed floor closest to the cabinets, so the subfloor storage is still accessible. I Froli'ed half the camper, on the street side of the T@G, then stack both mattresses on top of it with a fitted sheet to keep 'em together. It's a major improvement in sleep comfort; I don't even need the memory foam topper any more.

    Dave in Michigan
    '21 T@G XL
    "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)

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