Water pressure regulator

MOHOMEMOHOME Member Posts: 2

Does anyone add a water pressure regulator to the shore connection just to be safe? We have not taken ours out yet, so a real newby.


  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 663

    I use mine when rarely attached to water. It is always attached to one of tree 10' hose sections. I usually just fill up my tank and use that instead of shore water.

  • The_RiggerThe_Rigger Member Posts: 169

    I always use one on my city water connection; a habit I got into years ago when I hauled a pop-up around. It's cheap insurance.

    Dave in Michigan
    '21 T@G XL
    "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)

  • GulfCoastGulfCoast Member Posts: 107
    We never connect to a water system, and just fill the tank with a plastic jerry can. It avoids hauling a hose and pressure regulator and removes a trip hazard. And a leak hazard. If we had unlimited water in the sink, we'd have to do something more complicated than a plastic dish pan to catch the drain water for dumping.

    For those who do connect to pressure water systems, I have an unused Camco marine/rv water filter that I'll pass on to anyone passing through Ocean Springs, Mississippi. It came with the camper and we'll never use it. 
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