So I made the spring pilgrimage to the storage lot to wake Wanderlust up and drag her home today, to begin the preparations for this year's camp-outs... And I was mildly disgusted to find several rips in the Classic Accesories camper cover I'd bought in mid-2023 (model #80-298-163101-RT, as recommended in these forums). Granted it's two years old, but CA puts a three-year warranty on them, although trying to get a camper cover serviced under warranty just makes my imagination hurt.
So I went looking for other alternatives, letting my fingers do the walking through the Google Pages. The folks at AllPro in Ohio, who make those fabulous T@G and T@B awnings, also make a T@G cover, although it's considerably more pricey than the Classic version - ~$500 to fit my T@G XL 6-wide, as opposed to the $160-or-so for another Classic cover. But I imagine the AA cover is considerably more robust than the CA model... Or is it?
Anyone have any experience with the AllPro cover? It might be a case of "buy-once,-cry-once" with a five-hundered dollar cover that lasts forever, rather than shucking out a hundred and sixty bucks every couple of years... Or are there other covers that I may have missed?
(and NO, I am NOT inclined to just buy a big ol' WalMart plastic tarp. No point in covering an expensive teardrop with a mildew generator.)
Dave in Michigan
'21 T@G XL
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
Original Post - November 2022
I originally ended up buying the PeraPRO cover from Classic Accessories. (8'-10' Long X 5' Wide) (80-398-151001-RT) 08/28/2019. Up until recently it has done well. The material started getting thin and the zipper (side door) started to have issues. I ordered a new one and then noted that both the old and the new had a lifetime warranty. (I believe now just three years) I contacted Classic Accessories and sent some photos and they promptly sent a new cover out to me. I really appreciate companies such as Classic Accessories who stand behind their product. I expect that in three years it will start to show wear. No, the Classic Accessories warranty does not cover ordinary wear and tear, fabric fading, mold and/or mildew; damage that occurs from high winds, extreme weather, acts of nature, or pooling water; damage caused by sharp areas or protrusions...
"Improvement makes strait roads, but the crooked roads without Improvement, are roads of Genius."
2021 T@g XL Boondock
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
2021 T@G Boondock
2022 4Runner TRD Off Road
Tucson, AZ