We do a lot of camping where they have concrete pads. Running lines all over is not usually practical and you can’t stake the tent base. In the past I’ve carried gallon milk jugs, filled them and put one in each corner. Wondering if anybody has a more innovative solution?
My partner and I have done hundreds of Art Shows (she's a studio potter) and we used an easy-up for them. We were seldom able to stake down as most were on streets and sidewalks. We and many others used PVC pipe filled with concrete with a hook on one end. For our use we had to meet a minimum weight requirement for insurance so ours were 45 lbs per corner. Ours are 3 feet long X 2" diameter. You could make some with smaller diameter PVC and as long as youd like. Concrete is extremely heavy for its given volume so it doesnt take much or need much room to haul. You can also make interesting shapes using elbows to make a square or whatever. Determine your desired shape and target weight, mix some mud, cut up some pvc with endcaps and let fly. Don't forget to add the hooks before the concrete sets up

you can attach them with rope, bungee cords or tie-down straps. We used tie-down straps with hooks on the ends. Super fast and strong.
I should think 2 of them at 15 lbs each would do nicely.
Oh and one more thing; you'll be tempted to paint them a nice coordinating color. Use bright yellow or orange. Try as hard as you can, but you can't kick them far in the dark wearing flip-flops.
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Ouch, I see what you mean. I thinking I could fill some pvc angles and put them inside the tent at the corners! The PahaQue seems less of a problem because of it’s floor size and weight. A while back I bought a pop up off Amazon, sent to PahaQue for a collar w/zipper and had it sewn into one side. But it’s a smaller floor and taller...real wind catcher but you can’t beat the 5 minute set up! Thanks for the tip.
I use barbell weights at the corners to hold the tent up.