I purchased this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTG884V/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 a while back, and it works amazingly well. Has a built-in (inaccurate,but works pretty well) thermostat and keeps the trailer toasty even in near freezing weather. However, the logistics of placement for it are difficult. Since it has a relatively large footprint, and has a tip switch on the base, it needs to be on a firm surface. I did have it sitting on a box by my feet, but it makes sleeping difficult. I saw one user fashioned a slide-out tray under his AC unit, but I don't want to get that involved by cutting into cabinets. I'm looking for a shelf or something out of the way that I can set it on, then take it down during other times of the year and the shelf can double as storage during the other seasons. Looking for ideas! Thanks in advance... oh, T@g Boondock XL BTW....
This one is portable and the plug rotates to accommodate various outlet locations.
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
The photos I saw on amazon show that it can be plugged directly into a 110 electrical socket. Is it too large to fit under the converter? You may be able to fashion a shelf under the cabinet by the converter as I did, just lower. All it took was cutting a shelf and attaching some removable command style hooks on the wall. -

We use the Handy Heater. It won’t clear the converter so I put a 6 way outlet splitter. It plugs in to the wall jack and sticks out about an inch to give you clearance for the converter box. I was reluctant to trust the Handy Heater 24x7 but used it a couple nights after being in 20 degrees weather
2017 T@G Max
if you search "simple heater mod" on this board it might be something to consider, just what you described and works well for us.
that looks like the solution I was looking for. Found the thread...thanks!!
No pic...but I found a metal picture stand that I hang over the door cabinet handles...added a base on the bottom and our heater sits on that.
2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
Former owner of 2017 T@G MAX XL
2018 Nissan Pathfinder
I've seen (but cant seem to find) where people have made a slid out shelf under the tv/ac area.
2017 T@G Max XL, New Jersey.
You can drive along 10,000 miles, and still stay where you are.
Link to my slide out tray mod posted on the LG site: