Good to go in Virginia, glad to be in a semi rural area w/ plenty of "social distancing" ops...wife is working from home throwing off my retirement schedule lol, but glad she's around...fortunate virus cases are sparse around us, & state parks, at least for now, are allowing overnight camping & day activity, just no groups over 10...
Let us know when that can of Coors develops roots. Might have to move south.
Hunkered down here in the NE corner. Close to Seattle. We are doing the grocery curb pickup.
They will even bring out jugs of Jim Beam. May try to see if I can get some roots out of my favorite Bourbon.
Seeing as how I am coming up on 80, need my medicinally prescribed goods.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
Sorry Tom. I'd love to help, but only have one bottle...
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
OK, I got more roots, but I think I should have started with a better seed.
or better yet …
go with the idea of GigHarborTom or WilliamA.
My wife would like some red wine over beer.
This is not the first time for me. Washington State, Gig Harbor and Seattle are not NE but the NW corner of this here country. Getting low on bourbon, must be the backup margaritas in a jug.
Hang in there y'all. Think I'll go sit on the tailgate of my 66C10, outa the rain, and puff on one of my corncobs or a cigar. Don't know why the good Lord has allowed me to hang around this long. This duck and cover is getting to me.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
Luckily they're keeping our liquor and beer stores open up here in Ontario / physical distancing and only so many in the store at a time..stay safe all!
2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
Former owner of 2017 T@G MAX XL
2018 Nissan Pathfinder
Virginia gov closing up salons/barbershops & school's out for the rest of the year, deemed the ADC stores as ESSENTIAL; wise move on his part lol, he doesn't wanna deal w/ protests/riots on a scale from the 60s
Wisconsin news:
This is my take. YRMV
We are expecting our governor to announce the details of the "Shelter in place" order within hours. Basically, if I understand it, we are being told that non essential trips out and about be put off for the duration. We can go outside, go to essential jobs and get supplies as necessary. As I understand it, a trip to the park for a bike ride is still (guardedly) acceptable, so long as we keep the social distancing rule.
My son's teacher called this morning to see if we had picked up the schoolwork packet yesterday (we did) and explain how the lessons should be administered (with a whip and a chair) so that students could do reviews of lessons to date.
Kathy is required to go to work as the USPS is considered essential for the time being. They are receiving daily briefings on how to conduct business so I am not panicking about that.
I will support our Gov and adhere to the current orders and requests in order to support our "troops" on the virus line. I hope everyone will do the same. As to the camping trip Will and I had planned for the week, we will be finding a dry spot in the yard and camp there instead. Work to do, folks. Let's roll up our sleeves and get it done....
I haven't received any updates on state parks and campgrounds but am assuming that the shelter in place order will take precedence anyway. Be safe and stay well
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
I'm afraid my credit card is going to need aromatherapy......sigh....
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
Every politician is trying to make a name for themselves by shutting down the economy. Our Dallas County Judge ordered the same thing. Outdoor exercise is still ok as long as we keep a 6ft distance around us. I'll be doing a lot of outdoor exercise. And yes WilliamA, my Amazon account is getting a workout as well.
2019 T@G Boondock Edge 5W
2017 Toyota 4Runner TRD Pro
2022 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4xe
@WilliamA ...thank God we live in a small town..still able to go for long walks and usually not see anyone...and Amazon doesn't do home delivery here..have to go to the Post office...not happening..but my wish list is definitely growing...
2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
Former owner of 2017 T@G MAX XL
2018 Nissan Pathfinder
My partner, Kathy works at a small PO and said that so long as you have rural delivery, the PO will deliver Amazon. Some packages that come either by FedEx or UPS also have the PO do "last mile" delivery. The small town that her PO is in has no "in town" street delivery so the PO is required to offer no charge PO boxes. In this case, you'd have to go there as with your normal mail. She said that there is no system to separate Amazon from the other mail. To them, it's all regular mail.
Kathy has been running her small PO like a bio level 4 decon center. She has her own cleaning reagents and apparatuses, cleaning counters, knobs, keypads and surfaces between each patron. She trudges off each day looking more like a Ghostbuster than a postal worker. No germ will survive an encounter with her workplace. Now whether the patrons will survive the chemical burns and bleach aromatherapy is quite another matter....
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
Not trailer related, but forgive me for a personal note.There might be something to this lock down. I was hospitalized in 57 with what they then called the Asiatic flu. Had to drop out of my senior year of football. When I went aboard a navy cruiser a year later my shipmates told me the sickbay had been full and they had to take over other division compartments for the Asiatic Flu.
One hundred years ago during the so called Spanish flu, my granddad & his dad worked in the woods in Labam WA. My dad was a young teenager 14, working in a sawmill. They were there for work, leaving the family on a dairy ranch in Idaho. I now think being isolated like that saved their lives. They went back to Payette Idaho to bury my grandmother and a baby together. They had lost one previously. Also lost my dads sister who was in High School. Of my dads immediate family, that left him, and his dad..Think I'll stay hunkered down for a while. Waiting in hopes of seeing you around a campfire somewhere.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
My disinfectant production is in full swing. 6 gallons of antibiotic ready for emergencies and another gallon of Meade a couple of weeks out. I just ordered supplies for another 6 gallons of raspberry. Should have enough with the 24 bottles to keep calm until the raspberry is done. The white is quite good (a bit edgy) with lots of fruit aroma and as I can attest, is in NO danger of freezing.🤪
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are".
Teddy Roosevelt
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
Whiling away the hours of sequestration by working down the long list of "honey-do's". We've been wanting to put some proper windows in the workshop. Kathy's dad gave her 4 take-out Pella casement windows so I finally got round to it.
The new windows are huge and heavy, requiring stud frame walls to hold them up. I've got 2 in with 2 to go. I got the new wiring installed and hooked up on 2 walls. Then we'll insulate and sheetrock the inside. The "trim is temporary. Once all are in, I'll trim them with treated 5/4 decking boards and paint.
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
Nice, real nice to have that size play house. Having to downsize I lost my big shop. Restored the 66 chev Pickup and the 61 Avion big shiny thing (er trailer) there. Miss the work benches, Milwaukee grinder, lath and,the displayed vintage tool collection. Son of gun. Love what you have going there.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
That would be great except it's not mine. Kathy let's me use it from time to time, but the nicer it gets, the less I'll be allowed. It's my lot in life.....sigh....
Always a bridesmaid.......
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
Saturday we enjoyed an afternoon in the yard doing yardwork. This morning it's 12 degrees with 6 inches of new snow and 25 mph winds. Looks to be that way for a few days. All the remodeling and trailer putzing will be on hold again...
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
Can't believe it myself, but it is in the 40s heading for 50 and 60s here in the Puget Sound Country. Pulled the trailer out of its cozy storage Saturday. Put the 4Runner and PU in driveway and trailer now in our garage. Magic(Dena) is working on her Hudson Bay Striping. I need to finish going over the caulking, grease the outrigger screws. Try to figure out what the heck else I have here.
Found a couple Allen headed small long bolts under the sink. One has a loose plastic sleeve. Looks like could be out of a small pump. Hope not. Need to double check everything. The pump does work, no leaks, Found what looks like a vent hose off. Really need to get into this trailer before we get out of prison here. Need to hit the road ASAP. See ya round a camp fire, coffee will be ready.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
Good to go in Virginia, glad to be in a semi rural area w/ plenty of "social distancing" ops...wife is working from home throwing off my retirement schedule lol, but glad she's around...fortunate virus cases are sparse around us, & state parks, at least for now, are allowing overnight camping & day activity, just no groups over 10...
Let us know when that can of Coors develops roots. Might have to move south.
Hunkered down here in the NE corner. Close to Seattle. We are doing the grocery curb pickup.
They will even bring out jugs of Jim Beam. May try to see if I can get some roots out of my favorite Bourbon.
Seeing as how I am coming up on 80, need my medicinally prescribed goods.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
Sorry Tom. I'd love to help, but only have one bottle...
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
OK, I got more roots, but I think I should have started with a better seed.
or better yet …
go with the idea of GigHarborTom or WilliamA.
My wife would like some red wine over beer.
This is not the first time for me. Washington State, Gig Harbor and Seattle are not NE but the NW corner of this here country. Getting low on bourbon, must be the backup margaritas in a jug.
Hang in there y'all. Think I'll go sit on the tailgate of my 66C10, outa the rain, and puff on one of my corncobs or a cigar. Don't know why the good Lord has allowed me to hang around this long. This duck and cover is getting to me.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
Luckily they're keeping our liquor and beer stores open up here in Ontario / physical distancing and only so many in the store at a time..stay safe all!
2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
Former owner of 2017 T@G MAX XL
2018 Nissan Pathfinder
Liquor stores in California are an essential service. Must maintain social stability.
Aptos, California
2015 LG Silver Shadow
2012 Ford Edge Sport TV
Virginia gov closing up salons/barbershops & school's out for the rest of the year, deemed the ADC stores as ESSENTIAL; wise move on his part lol, he doesn't wanna deal w/ protests/riots on a scale from the 60s
Wisconsin news:
This is my take. YRMV
We are expecting our governor to announce the details of the "Shelter in place" order within hours. Basically, if I understand it, we are being told that non essential trips out and about be put off for the duration. We can go outside, go to essential jobs and get supplies as necessary. As I understand it, a trip to the park for a bike ride is still (guardedly) acceptable, so long as we keep the social distancing rule.
My son's teacher called this morning to see if we had picked up the schoolwork packet yesterday (we did) and explain how the lessons should be administered (with a whip and a chair) so that students could do reviews of lessons to date.
Kathy is required to go to work as the USPS is considered essential for the time being. They are receiving daily briefings on how to conduct business so I am not panicking about that.
I will support our Gov and adhere to the current orders and requests in order to support our "troops" on the virus line. I hope everyone will do the same. As to the camping trip Will and I had planned for the week, we will be finding a dry spot in the yard and camp there instead. Work to do, folks. Let's roll up our sleeves and get it done....
I haven't received any updates on state parks and campgrounds but am assuming that the shelter in place order will take precedence anyway. Be safe and stay well
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Reach out and touch someone.
I'm afraid my credit card is going to need aromatherapy......sigh....
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Every politician is trying to make a name for themselves by shutting down the economy. Our Dallas County Judge ordered the same thing. Outdoor exercise is still ok as long as we keep a 6ft distance around us. I'll be doing a lot of outdoor exercise. And yes WilliamA, my Amazon account is getting a workout as well.
2019 T@G Boondock Edge 5W
2017 Toyota 4Runner TRD Pro
2022 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4xe
Call 911, the old man ran out of Bourbon last night. Have to get by with Tequila for a couple days.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
@WilliamA ...thank God we live in a small town..still able to go for long walks and usually not see anyone...and Amazon doesn't do home delivery here..have to go to the Post office...not happening..but my wish list is definitely growing...
2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
Former owner of 2017 T@G MAX XL
2018 Nissan Pathfinder
My partner, Kathy works at a small PO and said that so long as you have rural delivery, the PO will deliver Amazon. Some packages that come either by FedEx or UPS also have the PO do "last mile" delivery. The small town that her PO is in has no "in town" street delivery so the PO is required to offer no charge PO boxes. In this case, you'd have to go there as with your normal mail. She said that there is no system to separate Amazon from the other mail. To them, it's all regular mail.
Kathy has been running her small PO like a bio level 4 decon center. She has her own cleaning reagents and apparatuses, cleaning counters, knobs, keypads and surfaces between each patron. She trudges off each day looking more like a Ghostbuster than a postal worker. No germ will survive an encounter with her workplace. Now whether the patrons will survive the chemical burns and bleach aromatherapy is quite another matter....
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Not trailer related, but forgive me for a personal note.There might be something to this lock down. I was hospitalized in 57 with what they then called the Asiatic flu. Had to drop out of my senior year of football. When I went aboard a navy cruiser a year later my shipmates told me the sickbay had been full and they had to take over other division compartments for the Asiatic Flu.
One hundred years ago during the so called Spanish flu, my granddad & his dad worked in the woods in Labam WA. My dad was a young teenager 14, working in a sawmill. They were there for work, leaving the family on a dairy ranch in Idaho. I now think being isolated like that saved their lives. They went back to Payette Idaho to bury my grandmother and a baby together. They had lost one previously. Also lost my dads sister who was in High School. Of my dads immediate family, that left him, and his dad..Think I'll stay hunkered down for a while. Waiting in hopes of seeing you around a campfire somewhere.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
My disinfectant production is in full swing. 6 gallons of antibiotic ready for emergencies and another gallon of Meade a couple of weeks out. I just ordered supplies for another 6 gallons of raspberry. Should have enough with the 24 bottles to keep calm until the raspberry is done. The white is quite good (a bit edgy) with lots of fruit aroma and as I can attest, is in NO danger of freezing.🤪

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are".
Teddy Roosevelt
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Whiling away the hours of sequestration by working down the long list of "honey-do's". We've been wanting to put some proper windows in the workshop. Kathy's dad gave her 4 take-out Pella casement windows so I finally got round to it.
The new windows are huge and heavy, requiring stud frame walls to hold them up. I've got 2 in with 2 to go. I got the new wiring installed and hooked up on 2 walls. Then we'll insulate and sheetrock the inside. The "trim is temporary. Once all are in, I'll trim them with treated 5/4 decking boards and paint.
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Nice, real nice to have that size play house. Having to downsize I lost my big shop. Restored the 66 chev Pickup and the 61 Avion big shiny thing (er trailer) there. Miss the work benches, Milwaukee grinder, lath and,the displayed vintage tool collection. Son of gun. Love what you have going there.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
That would be great except it's not mine. Kathy let's me use it from time to time, but the nicer it gets, the less I'll be allowed. It's my lot in life.....sigh....
Always a bridesmaid.......
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Saturday we enjoyed an afternoon in the yard doing yardwork. This morning it's 12 degrees with 6 inches of new snow and 25 mph winds. Looks to be that way for a few days. All the remodeling and trailer putzing will be on hold again...
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Can't believe it myself, but it is in the 40s heading for 50 and 60s here in the Puget Sound Country. Pulled the trailer out of its cozy storage Saturday. Put the 4Runner and PU in driveway and trailer now in our garage. Magic(Dena) is working on her Hudson Bay Striping. I need to finish going over the caulking, grease the outrigger screws. Try to figure out what the heck else I have here.
Found a couple Allen headed small long bolts under the sink. One has a loose plastic sleeve. Looks like could be out of a small pump. Hope not. Need to double check everything. The pump does work, no leaks, Found what looks like a vent hose off. Really need to get into this trailer before we get out of prison here. Need to hit the road ASAP. See ya round a camp fire, coffee will be ready.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature