Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup...Pointers?

HellFishHellFish Member Posts: 140
edited August 2021 in Camping & Travel

Heading for a week at Custer State Park, a couple of days in Badlands, a couple of days at Ft Kearney Nebraska on the way up from Saint Louis area. Will visit Rushmore, Wind Cave, Devil's Tower as day trips from Custer. Anyone have suggestions for "must see" (or avoid) on the way up, there, or return trip?

Will be going through central Missouri and Nebraska. I have spent hours looking for things along a more or less direct route through Nebraska and found little.

2014 T@G


  • zgfiredudezgfiredude Member Posts: 212

    Well, you answered your own question really.....I am not really a big Nebraska fan.

    There is however one place that we used to go years ago when we had a boat. Lake McConaughy State Park. Might be worth an overnight at least. It is a big Lake about a half mile wide and several miles long...the North Shoreline is big sandy beaches with lots of access points and there are several little cabins/campgrounds along the road as well. Fishing is good, boats/water toys to rent, and lots of people watching to do, LOL. Be careful if you drive onto the beach, the sand is deep and it's easy to get stuck and need a tow from the good number of farmers hanging out with their big 4x4 tractors for a fee ;-)

    '21 T@G 5w Boondock, 2006 Toyota Land Cruiser B)

  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 664

    Just visited CSP. Wind Cave is only accepting reservations in person and Jewel Cave elevator is broken, so they are only offering a couple short tours a day.

    We enjoyed the Jeep Safari. The Buffalo Cookout was ok, but the late return had us driving on those narrow, windy roads at night.

    We visited the Minuteman Missile site visitor center on I 90 just east of Wall. The actual missile silo is just down the road and there was a ranger there at the time that had worked with the Air Force as they managed the system.

    Wall drugstore is always entertaining.

    There is a restored fort in Kearney that we did not visit.

    Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator

  • GigHarborTomGigHarborTom Member Posts: 271

    Highly recommend Hill City Horse Thief Campground. Convenient to all in Black hills area. Spent a week there a couple years ago. Not fancy but all conveniences. Friendly....

    Gig Harbor Tom
    Trl '17 T@G Max
    TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature

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