Roof fan not working

2021 TAG Boondock. have been many times already into the middle of nowhere of the Sierras. Absolutely the best times...
Fan does not come on. Just started last trip...
All other components working. Radio.water pump.led lights.etc. Have pulled all fuses. tripped breakers. roof fan bullet fuse is fine...
I'm at a loss......

Thanks in advance

2021 Tag Boondock


  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 666

    2021. I would guess it is still under manufactur warranty. My Fantastic Fan 2018 T@G made too much noise in low (my opinion) and they sent me one out at no cost in late 2019. My fan was easy to access and remove/replace.

    Just a thought.

  • LuckyJLuckyJ Member Posts: 1,240

    @ididntknowitdidthat did you open the event cover high enough and did you try tge toggle switch,

    The cover has a switch so the fan will not turn on if not open enough.
    The toggle switch is 3 position. OUT, OFF, IN.

    Good luck

  • rasras Member Posts: 193
    edited September 2021

    There's a limit switch in the fan body on the roof that only allows electricity to flow to the fan when the cover is partially open. It might be stuck. I spent a half a day working on my fan before i got a ladder and worked that switch a couple of times. A squirt of WD-40 fixed it.

    RV 2016 T@G 5W
    TV 2019 Outback or 2011 4Runner

  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 517

    It sounds like a connection issue. Since you did troubleshoot the fuses,etc. and lifted the vent cover tI the full open position and the fan still doesn’t operate I would pull the decorative plastic ring out that goes around the lower portion of the fan, take a screwdriver and pull the wiring out and check the splices out for connectivity. Sometimes the splices come apart from road travel and bouncing if they haven’t been properly crimped. And if you are getting voltage to that point and the splices are good you can then replace the fan.

    Michigan Mike
    Linden, Mi
    2019 T@B 400

  • Sorry for the late reply. As many have said and Nucamp did as well, change the fuse.....Even if it looks ok, start there. Bullet fuse on the unit was no bueno.

    2021 Tag Boondock

  • Michigan_MikeMichigan_Mike Member Posts: 517

    @ididntknowitdidthat said:
    Sorry for the late reply. As many have said and Nucamp did as well, change the fuse.....Even if it looks ok, start there. Bullet fuse on the unit was no bueno.

    Good deal, glad you resolved your issue!

    Michigan Mike
    Linden, Mi
    2019 T@B 400

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