Looking to add removable shelf space to the headboard area. But we don't have our camper yet and Kinda want to prefab a shelf.
Anyone else have a 2021 Tag Xl. Looking for the thickness of the wood used for the headboard, and the depth of the shelf space.
Maybe someone else came up with this idea like I did.
A hanging shelf for the headboard that will just slip over the lip.
Maybe there's something already made out there but I haven't come across it.
2021 NuCamp T@G XL Boondock 🎣
2012 Kia Sportage🚙
Lol, found what I was looking for. A bunk bed hook over shelf. Now to get one and modify it for the space.
2021 NuCamp T@G XL Boondock 🎣
2012 Kia Sportage🚙
No sure I understand what you want to do, but good to know you found it. Come back with a pic once you made it happen. 😊
This is what I found. Probably I'll go this route. Make it easy on myself.

2021 NuCamp T@G XL Boondock 🎣
2012 Kia Sportage🚙
@royh210 did you get either of these and how did they work out?
2020 Tag BD 5W, 2018 RAV4 Adventure, PA
I know that in our 2017 T@G this would be in our way, but the 2021 probably has a much different layout.
But nice looking shelves. 😊