Well, I have started the process of producing and posting videos from my summer vacation (San Diego to Upper Peninsula Michigan). I have put up the first 5 of around 20. (FIRST 5 POSTED) They take some time, so more will follow later this month (I hope).
(See Links Below)
My wife tells me that some of the videos may have "too much" dash cam footage. (Sorry I work with of which I have). Invest the time to watch. . .
- Some of the upcoming videos will be short and some longer.
Enjoy, and I would love to see others work too.
If you have a desire to see more of my other videos,
go to YouTube and search under jamesedwarddow
Vacation 2021 San Diego to St George – Snow Canyon State Park - Utah https://youtu.be/q4pehFHE0yc Vol 1
Vacation 2021 St George – Snow Canyon to Green River State Park - Utah https://youtu.be/Fs_vODRcqBs Vol 2
Vacation 2021 St George – Snow Canyon to Green River State Park - Utah_DASHCAM https://youtu.be/wrVKb1eiWBk Vol 2Plus
Vacation 2021 Green River State Park to James M Robb Colorado River State Park https://youtu.be/bAWEm64UErw Vol 3
Vacation 2021 James M Robb Colorado River State Park to Beaver Creek https://youtu.be/osCnjeBFf8M Vol 4
Vacation 2021 Beaver Creek to Evergreen Colorado https://youtu.be/elbFC8c1ERo Vol5
Posted another YouTube Video (11 minutes) -
Evergreen Colorado to Lovewell State Park Kansas.
Enjoy and remember I would love to see others work too.
If you have a desire to see more of my other videos,
go to YouTube and search under jamesedwarddow
Vacation 2021 Evergreen Colorado to Lovewell State Park Kansas
https://youtu.be/5flzqtkSO78 Vol6