Hello everyone! First, I want to thank this community for contributing such a wealth of information. We were very close to purchasing an Airstream basecamp but based on the info from this site, decided on a 2020 T@G Boondock Light. Best decision ever as we love it.
I want to remove my Jenson head unit so that I can re-route my audio via aux cables instead of HDMI. I don’t seem to have the proper allen key to do this. It looks like they used the same screws in many other areas. Does anyone know what size key to use?
To remove the Jensen unit it is not an Allen wrench. It is a square head ( SQ1 ). The holes (4) are somewhat deep and an adapter on a driver set will likely be too large. You can use a small flat head which is small enough to fit across the square. I had to do this initially. The final solution I came across was a set of screwdriver bits and a handle from Home Depot. They were all long shaft and include 16 different bits In 8 removable shafts and a handle for less than $8.00. Good deal since you get all the common screwdriver needs, making your trailer tool chest more compact and light. Note the SQ1 is also used with the electrical plates and other accessories.
Thanks JamesDow. I will look for that set.
I think the square head screw driver you need for most things is the #1 and #2.
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
The square heads are also know as hendreson if memory is right. It is a canadian invension, and they are pretty much the only ones used in construction duty here in the country. Deck screws and framing, etc.
'Square' head is called Robertson and the one you are looking for is R1
Toronto, Ontario Canada
2020 T@G Boondock Edge XL
SQ drivers come in 2 universal; sizes. I carry onboard a Trex set, an Allen set, and a #2 Sq driver.
Job complete. This was pretty easy after I found the correct driver. Thanks for all the help !!
Lol. Absolutely! My mistake. Now I look stupid!
. But tye T@G use some R1 but R2 as well, depending where you are digging. I have nor seen the number R3 on any location.
No worries @LuckyJ I was surprised to see Robertson screws on the T@G since I was under the assumption that they were a Canadian only thing that never caught on anywhere else.
Toronto, Ontario Canada
2020 T@G Boondock Edge XL
I use to curse the screws but after a while and using the right bit they are actually a stroke of genius as you won’t strip them out if you are using the correct head. Gotta love them Canookians for sure! 👍🏻😀❤️
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
When removing the microwave and adding cabinet doors to convert the space to storage, at first I didn't understand why in the world they used square head screws. I had never even heard of them. But before long I realized they are way superior to both flat- and philips heads.
So, cheers to our neighbors to the north for giving us Neil Young and square head screws!
Ed & Karen
2017 T@G Max XL
2018 Subaru Outback 3.6R
Yeah I'm a huge supporter of pretty much anything that isn't a flat or phillips head screw. IMO flat heads suck and shouldn't be used on anything any more. Phillips isn't much better compared to the other options out there. Don't get me wrong, it is far superior to flat heads, but that's not saying much. Square head and even better, star head drives are the best thing that ever happened to screws. Enough of my rant haha.
Don't quote me on this, but I think there is actually one place that has two R3 Screws. I believe the two screws holding the license plate in the license plate housing are actually R3, At the very least, I know they are bigger than the R1 and R2's that are every else. Not that it matters, just happen to remember from when I was fiddling with my license plate recently.
2018 T@G XL Outback edition
TV: 2021 Honda Ridgeline Black Edition AWD
Dayton, Ohio
...And Joni Mitchell.
...And Rush.
(especially Rush)
Dave in Michigan
'21 T@G XL
"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)
And Shania Twain. (especially Shania Twain!)
'21 T@G 5w Boondock, 2006 Toyota Land Cruiser
The world has lost a most talented brother from Canada, Gordon Lightfoot. If I had a list of my top 100 favorite songs, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald would be on it.
Ed & Karen
2017 T@G Max XL
2018 Subaru Outback 3.6R