New owner of 2023 Tag XL Boondock

GnomyGnomy Member Posts: 4

Just wanted to introduce ourselves. Wife and I bought a new 2023 (.5) Tag XL Boondock in March this year. I had already read every post here - but wasn't registered. Feel like I already know some of you. Some really good advice.
We are relatively experienced tent campers, but have never owned a camper. So far, we LOVE IT! We decided on our 2 initial "Test runs" that we would boondock on Water Management district lands here (Florida). It was awesome being virtually by ourselves under large canopies of live oak trees and miles of trails to explore. Just brought along some extra water and relied on solar and small inverter generator to keep things going. We also got a Joolca 2 room Ensuite, HotTap, Thetford, and Alpicool C40 12v cooler - which fits perfectly.
Only issue we have had is backing up! Seems very difficult with these little trailers. I have the idea how to do it, and can get it turning the way I want - but getting it to stop turning and go in a straight line can be challenging!
Now preparing for our first big trip to PA - in an actual campground. Will seem weird actually plugging in.

Just wanted to introduce ourselves and thank everyone for their knowledge in helping us get started.

Florida Gnomes... 2023 T@G XL Boondock, 2018 Chevy Traverse


  • SueBHunnySueBHunny Member Posts: 135

    Welcome to the club. And I hope you enjoy visiting my state! Don't feel bad about the backing up thing. I've had mine for 7 years and have successfully backed it up exactly twice. I understand the concept, but can't execute it. We almost always disconnect and push it into place by hand.

    State College, PA
    2015 T@G Max
    2012 Subaru Outback

  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 665

    Enjoy your new tiny home.

  • The_RiggerThe_Rigger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2023

    There are three secrets to successfully backing a trailer:

    1.) Use TINY steering inputs on the steering wheel! A little movement at the wheel goes a long long way at the rear bumper.

    2.) Put one hand on the bottom of the steering wheel, at the 6o'clock position, and then move your hand left and right GENTLY in the direction you want the back end of the trailer to go.

    3.) Don't Forget Secret #1.

    Like all things in life, Practice Makes Perfect.

    Dave in Michigan
    '21 T@G XL
    "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." ~ The Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland)

  • larrygerowlarrygerow Member Posts: 10

    Welcome aboard. On my trial run last week, a fellow camper got a camp volunteer to help me. A bit embarrassing but I finally got it in place. Hopefully you and I will be experts by the end of summer.


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