Hello! Just stopping by to say thanks for all of the valuable information on this site. We recently ordered (haven't taken delivery) of a '19 T@G XL Boondock Edge and are excited to get it out in the woods! I come from the off-roading and overlanding side and this unit seemed to be the best compromise for both of us. Rugged enough to take it out and comfortable enough for the Mrs. I've been reading through threads for a few days and have gotten a lot of great ideas from others. Already getting my list of mods ready and prioritizing. First up will be an improved hitch system and will probably go with a LockNRoll setup or a simple lunette ring. Next will be a portable tankless HW heater for showers and interior heat. Other than that, it should be ready to roll. My TV is a modified 07 Lexus GX470 with 3" lift, 33" tires and many other upgrades. Thanks again to all that have shared their experiences, upgrades, mods and knowledge. It's greatly appreciated.
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470
Welcome !!
2017 T@G Max XL, New Jersey.
You can drive along 10,000 miles, and still stay where you are.
Good choice and taste in campers. I'm a new owner of a 2019 Tag XL Boondock Edge and absolutely love using it. My prior campers were A frames and I have no regrets. Post some pics of your camper when you get it.
I looked at the locknroll system too when I was planning my hitch upgrade. While I don't have any personal experience with it, I was a bit troubled by some of the comments from user when doing more arduous offroading. I'm sure it would do well for a lighter trailer but I elected to do the lunette/pintle and haven't regretted it. Additionally, I think the lunette required much less surgery to install. It really did only take an hour to do the whole thing (minus paint.) It works great and is at least as quiet as the ball hitch. I am doing some additional gussets just for my own peace of mind and made the patterns today for the welding plates. It's just a matter of getting them cut out and sparking them on. I hope to have the plates cut at my metal guy next week when I go up to get the tubing for my tire carrier. Should have an additional report soon on both...
Oh yeah...and Welcome aboard!
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
@WiiliamA, Thanks for the advice. My original plan was to go with a hitch pintle as it is what I’m most used to. Was talking with a few guys in our local club that have been using the Lock N Roll system without issue so have been considering giving it a try. I’ll more than likely err on the side of caution and go with what I know. Been reading through your Off-Road thread. Thanks for the write-ups!
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470
As an offroader, I also have multi axe systems for my trailers. And the lock and roll system is for me a mixte emotion. I realy like the coupler and the lock system, but I somehow nut convince of the press flat bar connection in between. Something does not compute for me. But I do know that they have been outthere for a while with plenty of happy user.
Just one word of caution, it happen to me twice, last time was on the side on 95 in georgia, where the tow truck that came to pick my car down was not able to hook up my trailer, since none of them have receiver tube, so this become a two truck towing operation. It had happen to me when I had a lunette, but in this case, the flat bed was long enough that the jeep and utility trailer could fit on it.
So i will now carry a 2" ball hand that I can switch from my multi axe coupler.
Good news! Got word that I can pick up the trailer next week. Just in time to get a few trips in before winter.
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470
Tell me more about the tankless hot water heater for interior heat...?
The tankless will be for a hot shower not interior heat. Although it would be pretty neat to install radiant floor heat in a closed loop! Have it my house and couldn’t be more pleased.
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470
Decided try something different with this rig regarding electric brakes. I ordered a REDARC Tow-Pro Elite system. Really liked the ability to switch from Proportional Mode and User Controlled Mode along with the inconspicuous control nob. My FJ had a standard controller and could be a real knee buster at times!
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470
Installed the new controller right before the storm hit. For those looking for a small controller, this is the ticket. Well built and user friendly. I’d post a pic but haven’t figured out a way to resize photos from mobile.
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470
The easiest way to resize pic was proposed by Verna.
Send your self the pics to your email adress, you will be ask if you want to resize, choose a new format, when you receive your mail, save the pics to your phone, and there you go.
The fisrt pics that come up when you want to post it is the smaller size picture.
Another good app for photo resizing is Crop Size which I use. I can provide steps if interested as I did not find it intuitive, but once you learn, it is easy.
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.... or resizing photos!

Pics of the new controller and not so good pics of the new trailer as it was getting dark
3 hour trip home and it was like it wasn’t back there. Couldn’t be happier!
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470
Nive work on the pics, and nice trailer!
Well done! Thanks for taking the time to resize your photos too as every little bit helps here on the forum area!
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
I've had a little time to inspect the trailer and get to know the features a little better over the past week. A few thoughts and questions. I ordered this rig at a RV show and took advantage of the manufacturer incentives. Point being that there are more bells and whistles on this thing than if I were to have bought off the lot. We had been looking at these for over a year before deciding to take the plunge and hadn't come across any with all of the extras. Not complaining by any means but still trying to figure it all out. The following are some of the items which I consider a bonus:
-Galley speakers
-Froli system
-Exterior Lagun table
I've been really impressed with the Victron MPPT Smartsolar controller and app. I intentionally parked the trailer on the North side of our garage just to see how it does. It doesn't really get any direct sunlight in that location. Having fixed panels aren't ideal by any means and some are pretty finicky. The T@G system is doing surprisingly well even on cloudy days. Pulled 70 WH on a cloudy rainy day last week and it's doing a nice job of keeping the battery topped off when needed. Also impressed by the quality (CROWN) of battery used but not the 80 AH rating. This will get bumped to the top of the list for upgrades. Don't plan of using much shore power so will probably switch to, 2-6V batteries to get into the 200 AH range.
Froli System- Haven't gotten a chance to sleep on it but seems very comfortable. For those of you that have it, I'm wondering how well it will hold up while being used for storing items when in transit? I had originally planned to attach a few anchor points to the flooring for securing gear while traveling. Not sure if the froli system is designed to handle that type of abuse. May have to place a platform on top of the system to sto containers inside. If the Army teaches one anything, it is secure EVERYTHING before it becomes a projectile!
Lagun Table- Pretty straightforward and happy to have any extra counter space! @Michigan_Mike, this may be more geared toward your experiences. I've done some pretty broad searches on the table and came across some of your threads on different forums. Sounds like you have done a lot of the pioneering work to make this happen. Is there a way, floor mount system or alternative way that I could put the Lagun table to use inside the T@G? I'd like to take advantage of having it and use it inside if possible. Originally thought about a removable floor mount system but I think I'll need to fab a secondary post that is quite a bit shorter. Other options were to install a mount on an interior wall or door... Again, just trying to brainstorm.
Gearing up for some winter trips and a few shakedown cruises to see what we need. Have been playing around with smart controller, turning on different devices during the day to see how well it keeps up under different loads. Pretty impressive little unit to say the least. Only shortcoming is the battery which is easily rectified. The Norcold is drawing more than a similar Dometic or ARB but the price point reflects that IMO. Having the ability to keep the fridge running, the ability to run lights, charge devices and have a little left over is important for our use. Has anyone customized the settings on the controller for optimum use? There are options but I'm not savvy enough yet to fine tune anything so have it set to the default parameters. (auto settings)
19 T@G XL Boondock Edge
07 Lexus GX 470