As I went to connect the city water hose to the fitting in the side of the camper I heard the dreaded sound of spraying water. I opened the inside and saw that the connection was leaking from the inside. So in reach in to tighten it up but that did no good and therefore I'd like to replace it since I haven't had the vent hose sheet but figure it's a matter of time before it does.
Is there a better, similar marine application? I guessing I dont want to get to crazy with having to drill into the side and enlarge the existing hole but the rv alternatives seem soooooo plastic-y and cheap.
Sorry... 2017 Tag Maxx offroad
I doubt you will find anything with a larger opening for the freshwater fill point if that’s what you are looking for. What year is your trailer? If you want to make the task easier buy one of the long funnels used for transmission oil refilling for vehicles and you can buy them cheaply at Walmart or your local auto parts store. I use a longer clear hose attached to a 4 gallon jug to dump water into my FW port for refills at sites without water nearby and also keep a hose adapter with a long nozzle that fits into the inlet port for filling at home or at the RV fresh water fill area in campgrounds.
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
I'm not so much looking for bigger but what I am looking for would be stainless or not the cheap chincy Chinese crap plastic that's currently in the side of the camper. I want to be able to pick the camper up by it, strong like bull.
I am sure you know their are better place to pick up a trailer from than the water inlet.
My best best would be for you to look in the boat and yatching industries. But you might have to make some modification.
But I am curious, what is the problem with the current set-up. If it come from the fact that you might forget to unplug before leaving a site, this part braking might be cheaper that having to rebuilt the side of your trailer and all the plumbing from pulling on it. You could see this as some type of fuse. The weak link in the system that protect every thing else.
Just a tought.
Its certainly food for thought. The water inlet however will seem to get used or coupled quite a bit and the cheap Chinese plastic pieces that tend to get used and moved and worked tend to fail quickly. I'll have to run the risk of a
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Like William suggested, and I also saw one made of stainless. But they do not offer the double port like we have. At least, I have not foumd any.
But perso, I do not see any real potential problems with the oem part. I know that if I am the one doing the connection and filling, it will last probably as lng as the trailer will. But if my GF would be in charge of this, this could be an other issue. She just somethime lack the finess and simply does not just take the time it takes. Trying to save secondes on a thing that only take seconds to do.
If the goal is to bullet proof the thing to resist departure with the hose still connected to the post, then something esle more expensive and labor intensive would brake.
But if you really want something HD, a good fab shop could probably machine or built something like this. But at some cost for sure.
Anyway, if you find something, post it here. It might interss some T@G and T@B owners.
Have fun outhere.
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
This is water fill. I did not found anything for shore water. This is probably what make the more stress to the panel.
West Marine has both pressure and static hardware in a wide range of prices.
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Nice. Just have to rethink and mod the port on the side of tye TD. Unless they both fir in the already available opening.
I thought about replacing my water hatch since the vent hose barb kept breaking off. I glued it on a couple of times but the plastic for the water hatch enclosure is so thin it would just break off somewhere else. I finally just drilled out the broken hole big enough so I could stick the vent hose through it and added a longer piece of hose. I considered getting another O.E. Enclosure but the new ones are just as fragile as the one I have so it's no gain. I think the fix would be to cut a piece of 1/16" aluminum sheet to screw to the side of the trailer and then flush-mount the heavier duty inlets in that. If mine breaks again that's what I'm going to do. That would solve the problem and also get rid of another key. I don't use the pressure port anyway so I would just add the gravity tank fill and vent.
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
@WilliamA, this is something that make absolute sence when someone know what he/she wants. I was more looking for a complete replacement solution for someone who wants to keep the full capacity of the water inlet.
If this would help, some of the jeep aftermaket parts vendors make really nice round gas cover panel that are made to be flat mounted. Some are keyed, some are not. Wonder if this would work to cover the side hole and make a nice finish. Just a tought.
But in your case, it would work for sure. In my case, I it would broke, knowing that glue is not working, I wonder If I would not try baking it up with fiberglass from behind. Not that I do like the water door and assembly, just that sometime, I prefer to keep the OEM look if I do not find anything better. Will see when It come to that.
Have a nice one.
Got my water fill panel replaced by NuCamp when my vent hose broke of at panel. It has metal hose attachment rather than the leaky plastic oem. They did it as warranty. Much more substantial unit and being used on all new trailers. My trailer is late 2017. Solved many issues.
A pic would be nice. i also have a 2017, but that part is still original. For now anyway.
We need a picture of that
I replaced the removable water tank/jug in my 2009 T@B with a permanent tank and an exterior fill port.

This is what I chose:!14559!US!-1
Have fun.............
Just replaced my water tank fill port with a Valterra. It is awesome. My 2015 SS had the old flap/hole Elkhart system that leaked water all over the place. Not sure why I didn’t do this sooner. I guess it’s because the fill port broke last camping trip, ha,ha yay! I have a Reliant Water Carboy (7Gal) with a spout that fits right into the port of the new fill port. Simple but great. Recommended mod for those with older units.
Aptos, California
2015 LG Silver Shadow
2012 Ford Edge Sport TV
Does it have the overflow port? Not mentionned in the description.
My overflow port was broken when I de winterized about a month and a hafl ago, yep, busy summer w/o travel, and took about 15 min to fix with a brass fitting I ad laying around.
But good job on the problem!
Yes. The SS has an overflow pipe on the water tank. The Valterra does not.
Aptos, California
2015 LG Silver Shadow
2012 Ford Edge Sport TV