Lions and Tigers and Bears....(oh my....)

WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311
edited March 2020 in Events & News

One of my few "heroes" is Carl Sagan. I often pick up one of his books and do a bit of reading. In his book: "Cosmos", he relates a story about Venus. In the early years of large telescopes, many trained their new, powerful devices on our close planetary neighbor. All they could see was clouds. They postulated that since there were thick clouds, there was probably a lot of water. As water needs heat to make clouds, it was probably warm. If it was warm and wet there were probably swamps. If there were swamps, what could live in them? Well....dinosaurs....
Observation: Can't see a thing.
Conclusion: Dinosaurs.

Our world is of that nature. It's easy to take bits and pieces of information floating about and quickly make unrelated information into a decoupage of our own design. In my forum wandering, (I post to or participate daily in about 9-10 forums) it strikes me as to the amount of dis-information people have glued together from unrelated facts and fiction. To be sure, just because a thing is a fact doesn't mean it "applies" to any particular circumstance. Just because a disease came from a certain place doesn't mean it originated there. Belief does not make facts any more than facts, stitched together in random mashups make a scenario that is true.

We, all of us, have a duty to take our information and first examine it for what it is. For anyone with more than a room-temperature I.Q. it's not even difficult to parse out what's news and what's "filler". Most of the information I've been reading of late is merely a regurgitation of older information. Often, I can find a "new" article in the news and while reading, determine it to be a conglomeration of older news that's been simply cut and pasted into a new article. In that way, the media are shamefully to blame for, not necessarily spreading dis-information, but promulgating "non-information". In cases such as the one that confronts us now, the 24 hour news cycle works against us. There's simply not enough new information to support the diarrhetic dribble that comes out of the many news sources. Add to that the fact that the news sources must hang their "brand" (conservative, liberal, foreign, etc) on the news and it's easy to get lead down the rat-hole of conspiracy theories that are rampantly galloping through the social media "news" (sarcastic simile intended) feed.

I've recently read through (and commented on, followed by a flaming) dark-conspiracy articles in other forums that, while the theories may offer some actual facts, have been thoughtfully stitched together in such a way that makes it sound like the entire liberal/conservative society is responsible for our travails. That's silly, damaging and counter-productive. Thankfully, we don't suffer much of that here due mostly to our Spetznatz-like admin. (I fully expect this thread to be pulled) But there too, overzealous administration of any platform can work as an unfortunate inhibitor of ideas and opinions.

The forums I participate in run the gamut from an open, free for all knife fight (a custom-car modification forum that shall remain nameless) to ultra-conservative, no politics, religion, affiliation, ideas allowed arenas. Most are somewhere in the middle. To be honest, I couldn't tell you which style I like better. I'd love to say that I'm a big boy and capable of policing my own ideas, but that would not be entirely accurate. I'm prone to "heavy sarcasm" when the muse strikes and a bit of oversight isn't such a bad thing. Still, I chafe at the thought of overzealous oversight of forum input. Do I believe it's a necessary evil? yes. Do I like it? No.

I digress. Put simply, I hope that all here are taking their news with a daily pinch of salt and sorting as best can be sorted. One of the major components in getting through a crisis is attitude. Running and screaming is not a plan. It's what you do when a plan doesn't work. I try to arise each morning and be optimistic with my small family. Optimism magically spreads like warm butter and the more the butter (virtual) the less stress. The less stress, the better on the body. We can't make it go away. How we deal with it all,
is entirely within our control.....

Be safe and be well.
And remember:
"Can't see a thing"
"Must be Dinosaurs".


"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.


  • Sharon_is_SAMSharon_is_SAM Administrator Posts: 664

    Thank you for your insight comrade @WilliamA 😂

    Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator

  • TomDTomD Member Posts: 358
    edited March 2020

    Wow William..your post is still up. Back in the day I had posts taken down on another forum for trying to answer a question about what “Left Coast” meant. Coming from the “Left Coast” I felt qualified. Also included a Wikipedia definition. Still taken down. It’s good to see we might be growing up. Sadly I did have to go to wikipedia to understand what Spetsnaz meant. Very interesting! Not worthy of a take down however. ;)

    Aptos, California
    2015 LG Silver Shadow
    2012 Ford Edge Sport TV

  • WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311

    True enough and well said. (As usual)
    In these odd times, it's the more important to say less and mean it more. It's my personal opinion that communication is a dirty business in the best of times. Clarity is a valuable commodity daily and the more precious now. We can provide great comfort to each other if only through clear-headed conversation unmuddied by rumor and unsupported inuendo. Time will shake out the details for us.
    I'm reminded by your wiki link of George Will's playful editorials that have his many faithful readers (ME!) scrambling for our thesaurus. His latest prosaic breadcrumb: "Oleaginous"......

    For in the course of casual conversation
    The sleeve is torn
    The flesh underneath
    is revealed."

    Excerpt from "Rudy"
    Copyright 1991 Labyrinth
    William D Adams

    "When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

    2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
    2017 T@G XL
    Boyceville, Wi.

  • WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311

    Left coast....left coast.....Heading north? Or south?
    I am left-handed. Does that make a difference?
    Perhaps my problem isn't in the math, but rather, the mathematician? Lol.....


    "When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

    2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
    2017 T@G XL
    Boyceville, Wi.

  • Fourman110Fourman110 Member Posts: 230

    When you realize “news” sources make their money by selling ads whose rates are based on getting you to come back to watch/read more “news”, it’s pretty darn freeing. It’s mostly a schtick just to make you come back over and over in a day.

    My advise, especially to those significantly having difficulty coping with all of this malaise, is to limit news to one 20 minute slot a day (internet, newspapers, and tv). The news doesn’t change that much and why line the pockets of those using us to flip a buck while dividing us.

    And more on topic, if you can go camping go camping!

    “I'm T@G-ing Out"

  • GigHarborTomGigHarborTom Member Posts: 271

    Feel blessed by the intelligent conversation here. Keep it coming all.

    Gig Harbor Tom
    Trl '17 T@G Max
    TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature

  • HikinMikeHikinMike Member Posts: 400

    We are T@G owners therefore intelligent by definition.

    Yes, it is wonderful to read positive messages in a world of negative social media. I'll get my "happy" from this site.

    Ya'll hang tough!

    2019 T@G Boondock Edge 5W
    2017 Toyota 4Runner TRD Pro
    2022 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 4xe

  • WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311

    It's been the mantra since the first journalist that the stock and trade is "To bring an audience to an advertiser". My Journalism 101 professor opened his class with that. But yet, we are blessed with some wonderful, professional reporters. I read their scripts daily and trust the integrity they bring. I've no doubt about their motives. But as consumers, it is our job to parse that snowball of rolled up data and pick through the fly-poop looking for pepper (rather than the other way round). Remember: You don't need to be a journalist to smell what you're steppin' in. Common sense and healthy cynicism works just as well.

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are good.... It's a duck....


    "When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

    2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
    2017 T@G XL
    Boyceville, Wi.

  • TomDTomD Member Posts: 358

    WilliamA said..
    ”But as consumers, it is our job to parse that snowball of rolled up data and pick through the fly-poop looking for pepper (rather than the other way round). Remember: You don't need to be a journalist to smell what you're steppin' in. Common sense and healthy cynicism works just as well.’‘
    Well said :D
    Yep! I know the ducks too.

    Aptos, California
    2015 LG Silver Shadow
    2012 Ford Edge Sport TV

  • ontheroadontheroad Member Posts: 191

    I will say being a Canadian and watching/ listening to what is happening in this world can be very interesting...the different viewpoints can be conflicting depending on where you get your news..meanwhile I'll do my part and stay inside...although the trailer is coming out of the garage tomorrow... everyone stay safe!

    2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
    Former owner of 2017 T@G MAX XL
    2018 Nissan Pathfinder

  • TomDTomD Member Posts: 358

    It’s ONE world and not separate countries, counties, townships, cities, or whatever when it becomes a Pandemic. We all just deal with things a little differently.

    Aptos, California
    2015 LG Silver Shadow
    2012 Ford Edge Sport TV

  • WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311
    edited March 2020

    @TomD said:
    It’s ONE world and not separate countries, counties, townships, cities, or whatever when it becomes a Pandemic. We all just deal with things a little differently.

    Indeed, Tom....Indeed. Those of us who travel have a special relationship with that. It would be healthy if everyone could get a glimpse of how much commonality we actually have. I certainly understand the mechanism that engenders division and that's not going to change anytime soon, but it would be nice if it did.
    I've been thinking a lot about that thing in the context of my own close relationships of late and it's troubling to me. Rather than be "united" by crisis, we seem to want to take all of our personal dogma's and pack them for the trip, using them like bludgeons to "prove" the right of our social/political/ethical stance on virtually everything. Example:

    I'm going into a restaurant. A couple is just coming out. I ask:
    "How's the fish?"
    The woman says it was delicious. The man says it's terrible and wouldn't touch it. He had a steak. The woman thinks for a minute, and says:
    "Well, I guess the answer depends upon whether you like fish".

    There's a lot in that small example. The man never actually tried the fish. He formed his opinion simply on the fact that he doesn't like it. Whether it's good or not makes no difference to him.

    That's the sum of the hubris of the human condition. If we don't like fish, then we can't allow anyone else the pleasure of it. Our minds are made up before we think. A different couple might have the same experience, but the guy says:
    "I'm not a big fan of fish, but the wife said it was good." Both conversations are identical, with the caveat that the man had the insight to respect his wife's point of view.

    As Americans....scratch that....As HUMANS, we tend to tilt toward our particular dogma's without thinking of the dramatic, if unspoken, effect that personal ideal has on those around us. We live in a country where decision precedes information, and any information that follows that is contrary to our decision is simply ignored. That's not new.

    I've been watching an interesting youtube channel of late. It's: "RVoddcouple" or something like that. The most recent episodes have our protagonists working through the Covid19 thing while full-timing. It's interesting stuff and there is some fodder in it for all of us to filter.
    I'll stop there.
    Perhaps the liberties I've been taking with all of this philosophy are quickly running their course. I'll leave it to you to decide if I should proceed or STHU.......

    Will and I are going to be doing a marathon spring tune up of the "Sprocket Rocket" (Will's GoKart)

    WilliamA.....Day 24

    "When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

    2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
    2017 T@G XL
    Boyceville, Wi.

  • TomDTomD Member Posts: 358
    edited March 2020


    Aptos, California
    2015 LG Silver Shadow
    2012 Ford Edge Sport TV

  • ontheroadontheroad Member Posts: 191

    @TomD ... wasn't trying to ruffle feathers..I just find it difficult that others still don't believe this is happening...nuff said..stay healthy and well!

    2021 T@B Boondock CS-S
    Former owner of 2017 T@G MAX XL
    2018 Nissan Pathfinder

  • TomDTomD Member Posts: 358

    Stop right there.!! No feathers ruffled at all. I’m in California and it’s intense and so what. We will get over the Covid19 stuff and eventually move on (if some of us don’t die ;) ). My big (new stuff) fear now is the economy. I’m not usually “Henny Penny” about this stuff but..Damn. This situation has never been seen or dealt with before. ‘’Winging It” has now become the Standard. By the way, Have fun with Will. The parent/child time during this thing has been the slight positive.

    Aptos, California
    2015 LG Silver Shadow
    2012 Ford Edge Sport TV

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