Taking a break from modding my truck today and realized I have neglected the T@G. Waxed it, the top was not fun. Installed this new style outside porch light a couple of months ago—black w/amber LEDs. Need to still find time to power up my dc outlet up front. DW still can’t get time off from work.....trying to get her to retire. DW thinks I’m having an affair with my truck.....
Lol, same w/ mine, only I'm not trying to get her to retire; need to wash & wax mine as well, will wait til next week, bout 3 days of serious rain on the way Sunday in my part of Virginia...
"DW thinks I’m having an affair with my truck....."
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
It’s just a truck with personality. The nurf bars are going. And just because UPS or FedEX is arriving daily with truck mods, doesn’t mean anything. Besides, as I keep telling her Tacoma’s have a high resale value and mine still has 2-1/2 more years of warranty. This truck has too much of my blood into it to ever sell it. If I took a picture of the engine bay, you would think it was new. DW is a nurse and has to put in her vacation time early. This year has been different, and they have not approved any yet.
My mantra: if it just doubled in price, I'd better get one now before it goes up again....
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
@Bob297 nice set up & ride dude, just turned 71 thousand on my 2010...
Thank you! Every Tacoma needs mods. How do you like yours? 71k miles is low for a 2010. Mine has 42K
love it, haven't done much to it other than a roof rack & 1' tool box on the back, may do a camper top at some time...
We have 254 K on our 2003 4Runner . I think it just might outlast me.
Gig Harbor Tom
Trl '17 T@G Max
TV 2018 Mazda CX9 Signature
What brand are the lights you used? We're looking for an amber fix to help reduce insects at camp.
They are the new version they are putting on the 2021 model. They can be ordered in black or white. Yes, they are from nuCamp. I only did the passenger side.
Bob you look like the guy with the knowledge I lack. I just acquired a 2015 T@G and the porch lights fake chrome is peeling off. I was tinkering trying to figure out how to remove them but couldn't figure it out. I thought I was going to have to tape them off and paint them in place until I found this post.
Bob I need your help
Are your lights oval? You might look on etrailer for replacement. You can contact NuCamp and see if you can fit the new version. If your outside porch lights are like the 2017 model, you can install the newer version.
They are oval shaped. It looks like there is some little tabs along the perimeter of the light but they don't seem to flex and I'm afraid I'm going to break something it I pry. I can upload pictures if that helps
Look like any of these? https://www.amazon.com/s?k=rv+oval+porch+light&ref=nb_sb_noss
Would this work? https://www.etrailer.com/RV-Lighting/Diamond/DG52526PB.html
I haven't measured yet, but the etrailer light looks exactly like the porch lights on our 2016 5W except for the logo. Both of them appear to have suffered assault by UV and the white upper portion of the light is disintegrating. If the dimensions are the same, I'm going to order two. Looks like you should be able to remove and replace the white cap. Update: My tape measure thinks they're identical..
RV 2016 T@G 5W
TV 2019 Outback or 2011 4Runner
Mine look exactly like the ones linked from etrailer. They are chrome rather than white. At least I now know that the white part is what I have to remove. Guess I better give it another go and if I break it I know where to get a replacement
The etrailer logo is only for their website. It is not on this or any other item you order from them. I guess so people don’t use their pics…..
Bob thanks for the link to etrailer. Seeing how the lights mount was all I needed to figure out how to get them apart. Clean everything up and happened to have a can of gray spray paint that matched well enough for me.

@scotthulbs Nice job! Costs $0.0