Ground Clearance of T@G & Boondock

I’m trying to find the ground clearance of a T@G and T@G Boondock. I can’t seem to find that information anywhere. I mostly camp off-grid in CO and NM so I’m looking for soemth8ng with decent clearance. Thanks.


  • WayneWWayneW Member Posts: 20

    My stock 2018 Outback xl with 235/75/15 tires has 13 3/4” clearance at the axle. However, the lowest point is the spare tire. Clearance there is 10 1/2”. The spare can be moved if desired (see discussions elsewhere).

    This is with the trailer loaded with standard camping gear but the water tank is empty. I’m guessing this would have little influence on the spare tire clearance and none on the axle.

  • MJCMJC Member Posts: 2

    Nu Camp said clearance on a 2020 T@G Boondock is 12”.

  • Dr_DoomDr_Doom Member Posts: 45

    My 2020 Boondock XL clearance is:

    13.6" at the axle
    16.6" to the body
    10.25" at the spare tire

    The spare is obviously the lowest, but it can be moved. Another thing to consider is how low the jack (and the tongue in general) can get over uneven roads. Something like a "jack-e-up" or "the ultimate jack" can help raise the jack clearance.

    2020 Tag XL Boondock, 2015 Toyota 4Runner, Northern California

  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 665

    Two other points that may be a concern is the tongue wheel / post area and the stabilizing jacks. The tongue wheel post on mine (non-boondock) has impacted the ground while crossing ravine or steep driveways.

  • WilliamAWilliamA Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2020

    Take'em off. I got rid of my stabilizers. (30 lbs!) I got rid of my full size spare (80 lbs! and got a small space saver spare that goes on the original spare rack but doesn't hang down past the frame. I also replaced my tongue jack rolly wheel with a flip-up extension so now it folds tight to the trailer tongue without fiddling with pins. Lowest point on my trailer now is the control arms. Everything else is at or close to frame height or a minum of about 18".


    "When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."

    2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
    2017 T@G XL
    Boyceville, Wi.

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