I've seen some pics on the NuCamp website of the T@Gs being towed with the tongue of the trailer quite a bit higher than the rear. Is it important to keep the trailer as level as possible? Is the tongue suppose to be about 21 inches from ground? Also, what is the best way to distribute weight. Balanced in the centre? More towards tongue or rear? Max tongue weight for my TV is around 300 lbs.
Complicated, but the short answer is tow level and with weight centered or slightly forward. Despite folks who will tell you they've ignored this or that specification regarding tongue weight, total weight, distribution, etc, etc, you are asking for trouble to ignore manufacturers' recommendations (you might get away with it, you might not). In any case, do NOT tow with weight at the back of the trailer and with the tongue high.
2014 T@G
Thanks for that illustration.
Can anyone verify the ball height from ground to properly tow a T@G Boondock? I'm thinking 21 inches. If my hitch ball is presently at 14 inches, what's the best way to raise that. The image attached is pretty much what I have now. Reversing it wouldn't get it to 21 inches, I don't think.
Sounds as if you are going to need some sort of an adapter to get the rise you need.
The pictured receivers are examples of many that are available.
You can flip what you have, but the drop/rise is typically not equal.
A two inch drop hitch like you have flipped will not result in a 2" rise.
Make sure your height measurements are taken as when the tow vehicle is loaded for travel. (people & gear)
Our 2 TV for the tailer are a Dodge Grand Caravan and a Ford Escape. The Caravan's receiver centre is 11 inches above ground and the Escape is 15 inches above ground. Looks like the Meyer should work for the Escape but not the Caravan. Are those adjustable extensions noisy when towing? Looks like there would be enough play in there to cause clunking.
General rule of thumb is tongue weight should be 10% of trailer weight. Ballpark 2000 lbs GVW, tongue weight should be ~200 lbs, within the specs for your TV. If you load the trailer so it’s light in the tongue you might end up like the model in the video - a very scary thing!
I think the adjustable stingers are handy and not too much noisier than the noise that’s already there but they add another point at which someone could disconnect your trailer and abscond with it. How many darned locks does a guy need??
You're totally right on that. So, I need to find a solid hitch ball mount with enough rise.
There are a ton of options out there.
You have to start with knowing what you need.
2" 4" 6" . . .
I had a 1999 Dodge Caravan an my guess is that it would bee about 2" different from my 2013 Toyota Rav4.
Here is another option.
I still haven't heard anyone stating what height the T@G sits at. I'm assuming 21 inches. I have yet to pick up our newly purchased T@G. My Caravan will need, in that case, a Hitch Ball Mount with an 8 inch rise.
I have read 22 inches from the ground to the top of the ball for the Boondock model. Of course, that is where you start. Once you load up your TV, you may find that you are too low and will need to adjust the drop/rise. I will email nuCamp to inquire.
Info here:
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
@csonni - Per nuCamp - the height to the top of the ball for the TaG Boondock is 21 inches and 16 inches for the standard TaG.
Sharon - Westlake, Ohio | 2017 TaB CSS - Forum Administrator
Thanks so much. That helps.