Looks like spending $4.98 for some Loctite 1363118 epoxy to have on hand might be good insurance. Yes, I would be disappointed with NuCamp's response too. As with any lomg trip, one will experience s… (View Post)
Duckstomper: Downsizing propane from 20 lb. to 5 lb. was in my thoughts. The cost of the tank and bracket made me rethink. Next I thought about downsizing to 11 lb., which might not require a new bra… (View Post)
Posted another YouTube Video (11 minutes) - Evergreen Colorado to Lovewell State Park Kansas. Enjoy and remember I would love to see others work too. If you have a desire to see more of my other vide… (View Post)
Well, I have started the process of producing and posting videos from my summer vacation (San Diego to Upper Peninsula Michigan). I have put up the first 5 of around 20. (FIRST 5 POSTED) They take so… (View Post)
I would advise taking back to dealer who installed (if possible). Sounds as if you have a malfunction in your charging system which is causing too many amps being delivered to your batteries. If the … (View Post)