NOTE: This awning does NOT extend 270 degrees. I know what it claims, but that simply is not true nor physically possible.
We paused our maiden voyage for a day in order to install the Rhino Batwing (in 25mph+ winds). The wind snatched the awning out of our hands and snapped 2 of the pole hinges (luckily it came with 2 replacements), but once we had all the anchors in place we saw 30mph+ winds not bother the awning at all. We are overall impressed and love it.
There are a couple small issues we've noticed: the Rhino bracket for the Batwing has changed and the Yakima bracket kit now leaves a gap between the trailer and the awning and we had to drill the holes larger for the pin to fit all the way. Also, the awning does not completely cover the galley which is annoying. I still reccomend the Batwing over all else and will be a pro at installing it on a Yakima or Thule roof rack.
One of our fellow T@Gers showed me their mods, so it should be an easy fix:
They cut the Rhino bracket here and cut two new holes for the mounting pin. They then slid the rack bars over an inch or so and removed the plastic, Yakima cap on the rack bars and drill a hole in the plastic in order to add another half inch allowing the bolt to rest inside the rack poles.
Another T@Ger added this aluminum spacer in order to raise the awning another inch allowing the galley door to open clear of the awning. This also allows mounting the bracket on the inside of the roof rack which now extends that awning to cover the galley completely.
I know the last two brackets are different. After hours of research they seem to be the predecessor for the current Rhino Batwing bracket and no longer available anywhere. I'm waiting for a response from Rhino since this "old" bracket would keep me from having to cut and drill the existing bracket.
I greatly appreciate all of the amazing support and advice we've received. This is an amazing group!
So, I received a LOT of great advice and pointers to come to our final solution for the Rhino Batwing. We love the ease of use with this awning and it seems all of the old complaints have been addressed with the new design. This awning is quite expensive, but because of its ease of use we are able to set up camp in a couple minutes. We've also tested it in 20mph winds with no issue as long as all of the steaks are in and guy lines utilized
Here's a breakdown:
The pictures above show the issues we had originally with a gap over the door between the awning and the trailer allowing rain to easily enter. Also, the eye was positioned in a spot where rain and snow would easily come into the galley. I missed one more photo that shows the awning not even covering the galley completely.
The resolution:
We found a master fabricator that cut some 'scrap' aluminum 3"x3" and drilled out the holes to match the brackets. The hollow piece is a 3"x2" @ 1/4" thick and the second piece is a 1/2" thick solid piece giving us the 2.5" we wanted. We then needed 5" bolts and simple nylon locking nuts with a washer.
This is how they look without the awning. We've now removed some drag from the awning now being flush with the trailer.
The final outcome could not have been better. I'm not sure if I'm going to paint them yet since I'm still feeling the complete relief of resolving this issue.
The galley is now completely covered!
The gap between the door and awning is gone!
The eye of the Batwing now resides directly over the galley door allowing rain/snow to naturally run down the far side of the trailer!
Also, there is a tremendous amount of flexibility to move the awning more toward the center of the trailer if we need to in order to maximize utilization of the walls (once we purchase them).
Here's the info for our fabricator if anyone is interested. He takes PayPal and is willing to ship.
Thank you for all the support!
What a good write up. Great explanation of the problem and solution, clear pictures, and a link for those that might want to replicate your solution. Thanks!
2014 T@G
Appreciate your detail! I understand there are two sizes of awning, 118 sf and a compact 69 sf. Which type is pictured? Thanks
2020 t@g xl edge
Looks very nice. I've seen two different adapters for the rhino to Thule/Yakima rails. The one like you have and this one:
@tnave863 I contacted Rhino and they said that bracket you shared us a Euro bracket and not available. That's what led me to make my own. That Euro rack would ha e been perfect with zero modification.
@Sealanes go big or go home! We went with the big one and haven't looked back. We've now used it multiple times in wind, rain, and sun and love it! Our next purchase will be the walls. Rhino says only two can be added, but we've seen 3 and 4 added which create and entire enclosed living space. Well worth the cost and putting off other mods to pay for it.
@ElPhoenix thank you. The wind walls are a big plus. Would replace the privacy shelter we haul as well as an REI alcove on occasion. Simplify set up and maximize space!
2020 t@g xl edge
@ElPhoenix we also put a Rhino batwing on our "Nugget", back in the day it was called an eco 2.1 goes out 79" we have a bunch of walls and they work great. The walls are smaller and lighter then a separate enclosure. The mount @tnave863 mentioned is the one that came with the batwing, just a piece of plastic with a steel stiffener.

All the calculations show it can’t work. There’s only one thing to do: make it work.
I'm glad to hear that! We're about to invest in some walls. I was leaning toward the Pahaque since it's available again, but I think you're feedback (and others') has me set on the walls instead.
Did you ever hear back from Rhino about the older brackets. It would be nice to find some.
They're not available. I searched everything possible as well to no avail. Having the blocks made worked out better and gave me more clearance.
Any dimensions on the aluminum spacer? I'm going to have to wait a week or more to get in the Batwing, and wouldn't mind having the spacers pre-built and ready to go.
It's posted in this thread here. Maybe the mods can merge the threads?
(I merged two threads as requested - The spacer info is noted above. 😁 Sharon)
Got mine done. Worked great. Thanks @ElPhoenix I'll post some pics up later.
Here's a few pics. I used some aluminum welding glue and glued the 2 pieces together. Then sanded them, washed them, used some aluminum primer, more sanding, then sprayed them with some black aluminum paint.
That looks amazing! I did eventually paint ours with rustoleum to match the color of the roof rack.
This is the only picture I have so far of our full setup, but I'm glad we went with all four walls.
Looks great. I have 3 walls and 1 straight awning I was thinking about getting 1 more wall. I didn't even know they made them with the window, I'll have to check into that.
Looks awesome! How many total awnings do you have now? 3 tapered and 1 windowed? Looked for the awning w/window at Rhino Rack, couldn't find it; do you have a link where you purchased it?
2018 T@G XL Outback
2015 Jeep Wrangler Sport
I have one awning with four walls. The walls with windows are a new item and Rhino selling direct to consumers is also new. Here's the link:
Amazing camp setup! Now that is truly boondocking!
2021 TAG XL Boondock
Toyota Tacoma
Evergreen State
@ElPhoenix @Donkeythekidd Is there any reason why you went with two aluminum pieces (1/2" block + 2" hollow) instead of one 2.5" tall piece? I contacted the fabricator you used, but he closed up shop and retired. I'm going to see if someone local can do the same thing, but was just wondering about the need for two pieces? For added strength/support?
And thanks for the write up and photos - these have been super helpful!
2021 T@G XL Boondock
2017 Honda Pilot EX-L
@mirasola I went with the 2 pieces because that's what I was able to find easily. I probably didn't even look for anything else. I think I got them on ebay.
@Donkeythekidd - What did you search for when you found the pieces on EBay for the awning?
I used a short length of 2 by 6 to raise my awning. Cut the length to span my bars, painted it black, secured to my round Yakima bars with u-bolts and attached the awning mounts. Quick, easy and inexpensive.
RV 2016 T@G 5W
TV 2019 Outback or 2011 4Runner
I ended up getting pretty frustrated with the custom process. I got the round bar adapters (part 31105 from Rhino Rack), but the holes had to be drilled larger to fit the hardware - I didn't have the right tools for this and it turned out to be harder than I thought. And I didn't want to deal with finding a custom fabricator for the aluminum pieces.
So I swapped out the round bars for 70" Yakima Jetstream bars instead. I realized after I installed them that there were probably round bars for a reason - the rounded angle of the teardrop could make it hard to mount things on different style bars. But I was able to set them apart at the minimum 700mm distance for the batwing, and because of some of the leeway on how the brackets attach to the awning itself (one of them is at a slight angle rather than 90 degrees upright), I was able to install pretty easily.
We took it on a 500+ mile trip and everything seemed solid. Only set it up once, and it wasn't in rain, but it seems to work great.
2021 T@G XL Boondock
2017 Honda Pilot EX-L
We just recently purchased a 2020 Boondock XL Lite and have ordered the Batwing Awning and hopefully the correct Yakima rack and rails. Got the part number for the rack kit from NuCamp, but none of the four dealers I've talked to seem to have any experience with this. I did go ahead and place an order for the Yakima kit and want to get these brackets made, while we're waiting on the parts to arrive.
If anybody has any updates I'd love to hear about it and @ras do you happen to have any pictures of your solution?
Thanks to all for the info!
2020 Tag Boondock XL
2021 Jeep Gladiator Sport Freedom w/Max Tow
Hi, I have the 2020 TAG Boondock as well. I followed the recommendations from DonkeytheKid and elphoenix in this thread. made the pieces for me and it cost 55.09, a bargain compared to what my local contact wanted to charge.
I’m including a photo of receipt from them here.
The only difference in my set up was we turned the “aluminum tube” so air would go through it rather than against the side while driving. I never could figure out why they chose to make this two separate pieces, but I followed their instructions anyway. I have not taken it for a test run yet. Having the air pass thru may cause an annoying whistle or something? I’ll report back when I get a chance to test it out. Good luck!
Reading back through the thread, it looks like they used the two pieces simply because that's what was available from where they ordered them? I think I have a fabricator to help me out with this, so I'll post my results also. Can anyone tell me if the U Bracket that goes on the bottom of the round bar rail is included with the Bat Wing or the Yakima Rack (which I ordered from NuCamp) or do I need to buy that separately from Yakima? My awning arrived today and the rack is supposed to ship on Monday. Thanks for all of the info!
2020 Tag Boondock XL
2021 Jeep Gladiator Sport Freedom w/Max Tow
The only reason we used two pieces was based on supply and cost. The fabricator I used had some scrap pieces he was able to cut and use rather than order something that would have cost significantly more.
I sent you a message answering your questions.