Hello to all! My wife and I are excited to take delivery in Jan/18 of our T@G XL Boondock! Trying to research and get up to speed on what all I'll eventually need to "accessorize" it. The one think I'm struggling with and hope to learn is the best tent for it. It seems that all the tents designed to fit the T@G... do NOT fit the Boondock version because of its additional 6" height. For several reasons I liked that tent and of course we will be watching/learning when we go camping....but am wondering what some of you more experienced campers have have found work best? (links would be appreciated :-) )
Updated: Woooo HOOO! We finally took delivery of it and plan on taking off soon for the sunny south!
Congratulations on the new trailer! I'm wondering if Paha Que's 5x7 side tent couldn't be easily adapted to the boondock unit? The nylon entrance tunnel zips into the tent and am sure they could easily modify & produce a nylon piece that would allow you to use it. I sent a note on to Jeff Basford, president of Paha Que' and will see what he says as they probably are not aware that this issue even exists.
Thanks for the heads up!
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
Thanks Mike! I appreciate your help! To contact them directly was my next thought, but they do seem to "know it" because on their advertising they say does not fit the Outback or Boondock models which are higher. I would think that there are enough of them being built and sold that the height difference would be an easy fix. It'll be interesting to hear their answer and have something to share with others that are discovering the same problem.
I wasn't aware of their advertising statements and you are probably correct as there must be a good reason for them not producing an add-on entry tunnel. Jeff and his crew out in Poway, CA make their gear for other trailer manufacturers too, so I know they are busy and also know that they will do whatever they can to both adapt to these types of issues (new trailer dimensions, etc.) and make their gear available to accommodate their customers. Obviously it creates issues in the manufacturing process, but if it can be done I'm sure they will find a way to make it happen so people can use these tents and gear.
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
From Jeff Basford today:
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your email! We are aware of this, and are modifying the design of the 10x10 and 5x7 to fit the slightly taller Boondocks. Should have a solution ready in about 2 weeks.
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
Thanks for doing that Mike.... I was looking around on PahaQue's site yesterday.... saw their chat line and decided to jump in there and ask too. I got the same response and while they (understandably) could not reveal specifics on price and so on... they assured me that in the next 4~6 months they will have a tent ready for the taller Boondock (and Outback pre 2018) versions. That is great news, not only for me.... but I'm sure for many others who own these! Thanks for the great follow-up! I expect to be watching this forum for other great ideas gleaned from all those who have already been out there experiencing what "works"! Thanks again!
Hey Dave, has anyone ever mistaken you for a very famous person we all know?

Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
LOL... I don't know who that person is? Is it some poor down and out, has been, washed up actor that can't get work because he's old? :-)
I just sent you a PM...
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
Just a thought for an interim solution, I use a Kelty Sunshade for the side of my trailer because I don't need a fully enclosed tent,, Perhaps you could use one of these and then later you could either use the Kelty either on the other side of your trailer or if you you have a galley, of as a free standing sunshade.
If your Boondock is tough enough perhaps we will meet up one of these days in the
Good Luck
New Mexico Mike
2017 six wide Rough Rider
Hi there NM Mike.... I just checked out the Kelty tent.... it is a possibility! In addition as you stated...it might just make an excellent "galley area" sun-shade. Thinking... thinking... :-)
I am on my second Tag, first Outback. I have and use the Pahaque 5x7 with the outback Tag XL. It does work, I used it this summer for a week at Lake Cumberland. It is not a glove fit , however, it worked well and withstood a good downpour. I also have and use the 10x10 with it as well.
That is great to hear! We had a similar conversation this last weekend where someone with a T@G Outback/Boondock insist that their Pahaque 5x7 fits well enough to work. Something about the real problem isn’t as much the height of the Outback/Boondock... as it is the fender that gets in the way?? So I did an online chat with the company and they assured me they would have something out to fix that (by early spring). It seems to me that all that is needed is a slightly more generous “sleeve” that connects between the T@G and the tent. Hopefully they will! I expect to pick up our T@G in the next week or so... and then we are taking off to tour the sunny south till it gets warmer up here. I don’t want to go crazy buying things till I’m sure it’s right.... but pretty certain this 5x7 is a must!
photos of tent attached to trailer

We just took our new T@G out for the first time last weekend and ordered this:
It was more in our price range than anything else I found. It attaches to a 10x10, which is NOT included, and has a floor and 4 doors. It worked GREAT, but we were only dealing with cold, no rain. Our tent was tall enough that the frame cleared the roof rack, so you could cover the edge of the trailer. Not sure where water would be running or dripping in a storm though. Having 4 doors gave us plenty of options for how to set up camp. We were really happy with it.
Thanks jeepin15bill!! I can't tell you how much I appreciated the pics! They speak a million words... and show me everything I could have wanted to know. **** I'm SOLD. **** Now all I have to do is wait for Pahaque to come back online with those tents. Right now... for some reason they are off their website entirely, but I'm confident that they will be back on soon. That is
Thanks for the links KristenW! We appreciate it. Right now... I'm counting on Pahaque to come thru for me and make the 5X7 and 10X10 available again soon.... but your model seems like a pretty darned good version too....and not so bad on the price either!?
If purchasing the tents, don't try Amazon or other online sources as Pahaque does sell versions of those same screenroom tents without the tunnel attachments. You need to go thru Pahaque or the Teardrop shop and ensure you are getting the version designed to attach to the camper. Don't ask me how I found this out! LOL
Thanks for the tip! Well who would have known that!? :-) I'll be sure to follow that suggestion... I just wish they would hurry! I'm ready to go south!
I know Jeff Basford, president of Paha Que well and should you have any issues or concerns let me know and I'll help you out. Jeff and his crew in Poway, CA are committed to ensuring that their gear meets customer requirements and that it performs well.
These guys started out making gear for their own use, friends and others found out and the rest is history as their personal love for camping and adventure turned into a business.
They develop gear and often take trips out into the desert and other remote areas to test it out under hostile conditions. The 5x7 screen room side tent actually came about via a result of teardrop trailer owner suggestions and input to Paha Que and Jeff and his employees developed it from input from members of this forum area.
The 10x10 screen room was initially developed for use with the Little Guy teardrops as was the 5x7 and early on they tested various means of attaching it to the trailers before finally settling on the 3M molding that is incorporated in and available for the teardrops. I've worked with Paha Que on a lot of these designs and know they are committed and appreciate any feedback that you can provide them.
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
The ball is in Paha-Que 's court now... I'm waiting for the newer version to show up on their website. Right now... even the older version is no longer available. I assume they are out of stock anyway and now just waiting for the newer version to be finalized and ready for deliver.
Did you tr the Teardrop Shop? They show it for $575.
So we have (finally!!) taken possession of our T@G (I added the picture above in my original introduction post). This entire forum has been soooo helpful to me as I think thru all of this! I know we will learn as we actually travel... but the planner in me wants to be as prepared as I know how...and then adjust along the way. We are leaving for Key West... and just adventuring everywhere we want along the way both before and after. We expect to be out for 3~4 weeks...just because we can.
That sounds wonderful! Enjoy your trip.
Regarding attachable side tents: Jason Rogers with PahaQue Wilderness and I exchanged emails today (3/21/18). He said "Feel free to let everyone know that we will have a side tent available for the Outback/Boondock versions sometime this summer. We do not have a definite time frame on that but it'll be around June."
PahaQua a little behind the curve.
Aptos, California
2015 LG Silver Shadow
2012 Ford Edge Sport TV
Husband called them about 3 weeks ago and we were told they didn't even know if they were going to make one. So, I guess this is progress.
@Mccrusn Do you use the tent that far away from the trailer? When we attach the 10x10 we usually snug it up close. The vestibule is all scrunched up but we are afraid the dogs will tear it up if it is stretched out like that.
2017 T@G Max XL, New Jersey.
You can drive along 10,000 miles, and still stay where you are.
@MPotter I want to get one of the side tents too for our T@G Boondock. When they are available, where do I order them? Do you have a link to the company's website or a phone number for me? Thanks so much! We can't wait to use our new T@G. Just ordered it!
@phaunf Re: my March 21st post. I'm a newbie with this forum. Just began researching Teardrops two weeks ago when I read the posts on this thread so I contacted PahaQue Wilderness regarding availability. http://www.pahaque.com/pq/?ret_id=1455119
I've contacted Pahaque a couple of times about this... they keeping saying "soon". They seem oddly hesitant to share anything definite... but it's the tent I'll buy if it comes out soon. Jeepin15Bill has proven to me (see all his pictures) that the existing models (a 5x7 and a 10x 10), despite Pahaque's disclaimer that it won't fit.... in fact, fits just fine. I'm just hoping that the newer version might be just a bit better?? We just came home from a month on the road... and it would have been nice to have had it along.