New T@G XL Boondock owner (2022) and loving it. We are looking for a good rain proof awning. Can't decide on a batwing style or just a straight out awning. Our camper has a factory installed Yakima roof bars (round style). I like the idea of it being attached and not packing a 1st up style shelter or deal with a tent.
We have seen the ARB 2500X2500 awning used in the wild and know its construction and like its waterproof canvas. It seems a tad better built than the Slim Shady from Yakima.
We've also seen the OVS 270 batwing and like its sturdy build, but a batwing is made for one side or the other. With a straight awning, the thought is we could swap sides if need be or buy 2 down the road (one for each side). For the OVS, what installation brackets do you need??
The ARB has the room option which is a nice upgrade also.
As you can see I'm leaning towards the ARB :-) What brackets do you buy to mount it with - I know nothing about roof racks???? I don't want to modify (read drill holes and weld) the factory Yakima bars. Someone have some part numbers maybe??
Sorry for all of the questions - we've been camping and with all of the pop up showers in the southeast - we need an awning!!
We have an OVS (love it) 180. We are also going to get the walls for it shortly. So, I've cured your "need to buy two" issue with the 180. If you'd like, I can take some photos. We do seriously love the OVS and would highly recommend it. It has weathered some winds and some torrential downpours with zero issues. Holler with any questions.
'21 T@G 5w Boondock, 2006 Toyota Land Cruiser
We love our bat wing with the sides that zip on. With the 10 x 10 awning on the other side we create a good amount of covered space. A few hippie curtains and a portable bathroom and were set
I think you want to do what I did to our T@G in 2018. It's easy, no drilling necessary if you already have the rack. These are the brackets and clamps I used. I cant remember for the life of me where I got the nuts and bolts...sorry. Get stainless.
Picture shows how it all goes together. The heads of the three bolts that hold the ARB to the bracket slide in the slots of the ARB housing. The screws then go into the bracket. You adjust the position of the ARB relative to the length of the T@G by sliding the ARB forwards or backwards before tightening the bolts (or move the bars around, or both).
The four plastic brackets go over the round bars and the bracket is bolted to the bars through them. I think my bars are one inch. You can wrap electrical tape around the bar if the plastic brackets are slightly wider in diameter then your bars...mine fit perfectly.
Other places sell these might find a better deal.
We like our 2500 ARB and room. The room panel that goes against the T@G has a zip opening for your door. But, it is much larger than the door, and leaves gaps for rain or bugs. I solved that with a sheet of heavy duty plastic, some 1/4 inch bungie, some magnets and steel washers. Lemme know if you buy the arb and want more detail.
2014 T@G