The additional fan that must be turned on while running the A/C has a switch located in a poorly chosen location (2018 model).
When I lay in bed sleeping at night, I find that my feet touch the wooden wall next to the stereo. I am only 5’9”, so this has to be a problem for taller people too. I noticed on the new models, they moved the switch higher.
The main issue I am having, is that I sometimes bump the A/C “extractor fan” switch off in the night. As you would expect, I wake up later hot and sweaty.
I would like be to find some type of a switch guard to prevent accidental bumping or flipping the switch. They make them for home switches. The only issue here, is that the size is different, and there are no screw holes on the T@G switch. I would even be OK with a flip open cover to make sure I turn the switch on or off as I turn the A/C on and off.
It would need to be adhesive (I think), and shouldn’t be enormous, so as to take up even more of my precious foot space.
Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated.
2017 T@G Boondock towed by a restored Series III Land Rover.
I struggled with your exact problem. In the meantime I took one of the kids dome tops from a vending machine toy and taped it over the switch using blue tape. The same episode where I also taped cardboard over the radio and the television LEDs. Then that worked well enough and I have stopped looking for a solution.

This is what I used. Simple fix.
2017 T@G Max
Another idea might be to remove the rocker style switch and install a flat style push-button switch in place if it. You could use the current opening and drill a hole in a flat cover, install the flat push button switch in it and mount the plate to the wall. That would eliminate that problem. You could also move the switch up higher on the wall and cover up the hole with some type of accessory possibly (a drink holder, etc.) or a decorative item, etc.
Michigan Mike
Linden, Mi
2019 T@B 400
I didn't use exactly the same model, but did something like this. We were always kicking the darned thing off and on in our sleep. I did have to use slightly longer screws on the switch when I put it back on due to some plastic cover spacing, but it works like a charm.
State College, PA
2015 T@G Max
2012 Subaru Outback
@TennTim You can turn the radio light off with a switch on the panel and there is a simple 6-10$ fix for the television light. It is and inline 12 volt switch that plugs between the tv poer cable and the TV.
@LuckyJ Neat! Thanks for the tips. Tape and cardboard was an early outing solution as I tried to sleep while blue laser beams shined directly into my eyes. That was good enough and not revisited.
My long term desire if I ever have the time is just to remove both. Neither ever get used and I like the idea of gaining the cabinet behind the tv. Not sure what the radio hole would be filled with. Maybe a standard car radio space filler? Maybe a mini control panel with a battery monitor and usb charging ports.
You can search a bit here, but you can still gain caninet space behind the TV and keep the TV. There is a mod made by some that allow the TV support panel to become a door, so the back space become a large cabinet. It is here somewhere on the forum. So popular and easy that new camp is now using the idea since 2018.
Had the Mandy Mod done by NuCamp and very happy with it. You can do it yourself and they will sell the kit. Gives you the storage space and you keep the TV.
2017 T@G Max
I went to Lowes in the drawer pull and kitchen knobs area and found a drawer pull that was long enough and mounted it vertically over the fan's rocker switch (in line with the switch).
Works great and cost about $3.00. Pic is like what I have plenty of choices.
2014 T@G
Wow, talk about a KISS solution! Good job!
I'd like to have the extra storage space but that's where I ended up putting my forced air furnace. It's a great idea though.
"When I am in charge, Starburst brand fruit chews will get their own food group....and where are all the freakin laser beams? There should be more laser beams..."
2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
2017 T@G XL
Boyceville, Wi.
Switch to a toggle and use the following..
Aptos, California
2015 LG Silver Shadow
2012 Ford Edge Sport TV