T@g sound system. Those stock audio speakers could be improved... suggestions?



  • KKriegKKrieg Member Posts: 20

    I just installed a set of Kenwood speakers, sorry, can't remember the model, in my ceiling with the addition of a 1/2 inch spacer (plastic that a friend made for me). Took about an hour total (partly to figure out how to secure the cover on the Kenwoods!) I had to drill new screw holes. I screwed the spacer to the old molding, then screwed the speakers to the new spacer. The difference in sound is unbelievable! It was like being in surround sound.

    2018 T@G XL
    An exit in New Jersey

  • IanstagIanstag Member Posts: 16

    Here is what I got to replace the stock speakers. Haven't tried it yet, but maybe today.

    Massive Audio MX65S MX Series Coaxial Speakers. 120 Watts, 4 Ohm, 60w RMS Heavy Duty 6.5 Inch Shallow Mount Car Speakers. The Best Coaxial Speakers System Built for Competition (Sold As Pair) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073JKCC7D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Zl8aDbDGEADHW

  • IanstagIanstag Member Posts: 16

    Thinking I might attempt this today. Could be really simple and really improve the sound dramatically. I'll keep you posted.

  • IanstagIanstag Member Posts: 16

    Tried replacing the speakers just now with the 6.5 inch shallow mount speakers from Massive Audio I got from Amazon for $39. As you can see they are not shallow enough and will require a 1 inch spacer. Otherwise the installation will be pretty straightforward and plug and play. I did clean out the aluminum fillings from inside the speaker which should help a little.

  • MichaelMichael Member Posts: 45

    Those are the exact speakers I used and yes I did add a 1" spacer.

  • IanstagIanstag Member Posts: 16

    I connected one of these (unmounted) and compared it to the mounted stock speaker. I felt the sound was remarkably better. Won't really know until they are mounted however. How do you like yours?

  • MichaelMichael Member Posts: 45

    Well it is much better but we are still driving them with the low powered Jensen. Worth it? In my opinion yes. I also have a set of 4x6 ones I'm going to put in the two front towers but have not done these yet.

  • IanstagIanstag Member Posts: 16

    Interesting. Do you have a plan to run the wires for the front ones yet? I've had multiple problems with the stock ceiling speakers. One of them cuts on and off and they "rattle" occasionally. Last night I noticed that when watching a DVD i had to turn the volume down when music started and turn it back up when dialogue came back on. I think i have fixed the first 2 problems by tightening the connections and removing the filings today. I'm hoping that the new speakers once installed will make the third problem better at least.

  • MichaelMichael Member Posts: 45

    Well I've already run the wires. There is a little channel on each side of the floor that is accessible once you remove the top part if I recall correctly. The toughest part of that was drilling a access hole on each end of the channel. I ran 4 pair of 18 ga lamp cord thru there incase I need something else in the future.

  • JamesDowJamesDow Member Posts: 666

    I found that my sound was (much?) better after cleaning out debris from manufacturing prowess. It really made a difference .. BUT .. The Jensen unit is very much under powered and better speakers will likly not result in the quality sou d you are seeking. I belive this, because I tapped ino the Jensen unit and added RCA pluggs for to "B" speaker outputs. I have tried multiple other speakers with disapointment on all. The Jensen just lacks sufficient power for quality sound at anything but lower db output. Sorry, just my opinion.

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