If you can't drive it without attaching a car or truck to the front of it, it's a trailer.
I have never personally experienced that, but if my Tag is not allowed, it's a pretty good indicator that I don't want to camp there in the first place.
I see all those old facts in their $45K campers that are 40ft long with those goofy dish domes and I laff...
I bought the 4kFiresstick from Amazon and stream my device to it. I have truly unlimited Verizon data so as long as I have a signal I can watch something. I can also mirror my device as well. Instead of using the power cord that comes with it I bought a device that plugs in line to the Firestick and provides it with a power source from the HDMI port. I have to select the aux1 on the receiver head unit and HDMI on the TV and im in business. All self contained... and with a 512gig usb stick I can keep a library of movies downloaded for when I cant get a signal.
Knife Holder
I found a knife set that came with a flat holder. Ended up cutting a lot of the knife holder away with a bandsaw, but what remains serves it's purpose well. The hard part was making sure it didn't interfere with the door (took me several attempts). Command strip adhesives were used to hold it to the door.
Cabinet Shelf
In looking at the space available in the galley cabinet, it's a pretty hard to utilize the space so I made some shelves. I also wanted to protect the plumbing while traveling so I came up with this mod which is basically three pieces. The shelves are all readily removable (Once again I rely on command strip adhesives). It's utilitarian, but some day I may pretty it up or do it again with better materials.
One part covers the drain valve (aside: why in the deuce is the drain valve put in this location and not tight against a wall? I know there's a lot of design decisions but were so limited on space to begin with, why put the drain 1/4 way into the very limited amount of space). I'm going to store cutting board and a griddle in this spot (ie. flat stuff). This part is basically a board on top of the tank with some vertical pieces added to protect the drain valve. It took trial and error to get the board above the drain valve. I ended up gluing a piece of 1/4" plywood to space the part high enough to get above the drain valve.
The second part is a shelf to split the right side of the cabinet up. I test fit some pans underneath it before picking sizes. I used three 1/2" by 1/2" legs to support the shelf that I nailed into the side walls and put some pieces on the sides to protect plumbing and keep things from falling off the shelf. The shelf is held in place by command strip adhesives. If I were to do it again, I'd put a threaded bolt in the corner leg and hold that down with a wingnut.
TV Antenna
With the Boondock model, you get a Yakima rack. It seemed to be a no brainer to use an end of the rack to hold the TV antenna up, but I had a heck of a time trying to find a latching mechanism to hold it. I wanted something quick detachable as this antenna/setup will not survive towing. Basically I'll toss it up at the camp site. It's really rigid and takes just a few seconds to attach.
I used 3/4" plywood to attach the clamps and antenna, but recommend a solid piece of wood. I painted it several times with a truck bed liner spray (Menards for something like $4) to help weather proof it (plywood doesn't like water). To give something for the clamps to grip into, I used 1" stair tread tape. Something like Gorilla tape would work as well.
Hello, my wife and I both have fat tire electric bikes. Hers is about 65 lbs without the battery and mine is about 45 without the battery. I've done a bit of searching but it appears to be something nobody has quite figured out yet.
Has anyone found a way to transport fat tire electric bikes on a 2022 T@G Boondock? I've been looking at tounge mounted racks but they all seem like they won't work without exposing more of the A-Frame.
I recently took my Lectric 3.0 bikes to Zion and the Grand Canyon. Had a great time and very little problems.
Fold them up and place them into two totes. I then just slide them into the back of my RAV4. Enough room for my larger cooler, two camping crates and chairs, etc.
I look forward on taking them future trips.