
Must Do's for a Newbie?

JLHJLH Member Posts: 18

Hey there, T@G Family!

This board is amazing, and I've been reading non-stop since I bought my 2023 T@G Boondock (5 wide). I brought her home yesterday and I am so excited to get started.

So here's the dumb question: what are the MUST DO's to tackle in the beginning? When reading the board, as a newbie, I'm not sure I can distinguish between what I SHOULD do right now and what would be an upgrade or tweak for later. Is there a list or thread you could point me to for the first MUST DO's? I didn't see one in the Newbie channel.

For instance, is it urgent to buy a moisture-barrier for the floor right away? Can a solar upgrade or battery change come later? Do I need a pressure regulator for the water? What do I need to do to launch? What will I screw up if I don't do it right away?

Thanks in advance for any guidance!


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